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Member Name: cullmans
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re: Nikki Snelson no longer attached to The CW's VALENTINE
 Jul 24 2008, 02:25:33 PM
I give up...I was just trying to get out the truth...there are always two sides to the story...but apparently on these Blogs there are a lot more than two sides to the story...even from people who are not directly involved with the situation. So I am going back to my policy of staying off the blogs....
re: Nikki Snelson no longer attached to The CW's VALENTINE
 Jul 24 2008, 02:14:31 PM
Actually, because the contracts do not have an would have been a brilliant move if it was intentional...but it was just an oversight... the contract does exist...but it was never signed. My point is that she was never asking to be released...she wanted to do both....
re: Nikki Snelson no longer attached to The CW's VALENTINE
 Jul 24 2008, 02:05:24 PM
Hey Everyone, thank you for supporting Nikki! I am someone who is very close to this situation and I wanted to provide some additional details. First and foremost, Nikki does NOT have a signed Contract with ACL. For whatever reason, it had fallen through the cracks and was never taken care of. Nikki was contacted by a CW Producer in regards to this opportunity. ACL was made aware of the opportunity and they agreed to discuss working with her on this opportunity. Nikki was not asking to be releas
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