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Profile for ElleWoods-Forest

Member Name: ElleWoods-Forest
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re: Anastasia
 Jul 25 2008, 05:02:58 PM
while i understand where everyone is coming from with the "disney copy" idea, i feel that while they hold similarities, anastasia holds something that makes it totally different.

it isnt full of all magic and spells creating a happily ever after
sure she is a princess or a dutchess or whatever, but she runs away from all that
the story dosesnt fill heads with thoughts that pixie dust will make you fly and everything will always turn out just as you had always wished for

re: Legally Blonde Rush
 Jul 25 2008, 04:26:31 PM
think what you want, but they never should have changed their policy after it started.

it was fine when it was 80 % capacity and they needed to fill their seats
but now that their at 91% they are going to be more selective and push the high school kids out. which is the very audience they should be looking to attract

re: Legally Blonde Rush
 Jul 25 2008, 03:40:59 PM

i understand that there has been that sign inside the box office since the beginning of the show, however, they have also accepted ANY STUDENT ID since then as well. last year i was a sophomore and my id clearly stated that i was a high school student and twice they said nothing. many of my friends have done it as well.
if they are suddenly going to seriously follow their policy they should post it somewhere on the outside window so you dont spend two hours of your li

re: Legally Blonde Rush
 Jul 25 2008, 12:56:15 AM
before you read my terrible experience i just wanna say that i am a huge elle woods fan, if i was old enough i would have auditioned and the following has abosolutly nothing against the cast, crew, or cool stage door guy who is awesome. i love them all to on with the show...

has anyone else had a terrible time at rush lately?

ive rushed at lb about...5 times and only got in twice.
im a junior in hs and never had a problem with my id

this past friday my

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