Anyone still waiting on a TodayTix refund? Jun 11
2020, 10:40:16 AM
I had tickets to see Company at the end of April purchased through TodayTix and I'm still waiting on a refund. The tickets weren't cheap and I could use the money back. I've contacted them multiple times and they keep saying they're still waiting on a refund from Company so that they can refund my money. I'm having a hard time believing they still haven't gotten money back for a ticket to a performance that should've happened 2 months ago. I doubt they walked
Tickets Refunds Apr 16
2020, 11:17:05 AM
Anyone received a refund from TodayTix? I had tickets to Company for the 23rd purchased during their fee-free period so I do not want a voucher. I've emailed them twice about a timeline on a refund since their policy does say they'll issue a refund if requested and both times received a generic "we will be in touch." It's been more than week since the closings were extended and nobody has been in touch. I don't know at what point I should request a cha
JLP Rush? Nov 23
2019, 10:41:57 AM
Just left rush this morning (Saturday). We got there around 7:30 and were 6-8 in line. Nobody else showed up before 8 and the line started getting long around 9. I’m not sure what the 2 groups in front of us got but we weren’t able to get any seats together for evening, it was 4 single seats. They aren’t marked partial view, I think E19, M16, H and P (similar side seats). We didn’t stick around to see how many people got tickets. Overall decent seats, just odd that they had nothing together so
Beautiful RUSH Tickets Jun 23
2018, 07:34:40 PM
I’m a little confused on rush policy. They sell rush when not sold out and will post in the box office window when they’ll have tickets the next day? What time does that sign typically go up? If it is posted I’ll be guaranteed they’re selling seats and not SRO, correct? My parents want to see Melissa Benoist which requires one of them coming into the city for work early to wait with me. They won’t do SRO so I need to be guaranteed they’re selling actual seats the day we’re going. By 8 a
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Seating/Pricing Thread Apr 20
2018, 12:04:27 PM
Does the theater generally ask everyone to arrive 1 hour before the show time? Do the doors open that early? My friend was lucky enough to win Friday Forty tickets for opening Sunday and we weren't sure if the hour early was a general rule or they needed everyone in before the red carpet or what-not. I've never been to an opening before so not sure how it works.
Chances of Hello Dolly on TKTS this week? Jul 3
2017, 11:14:39 AM
Today Tix also has no fees for Hello Dolly and a few other shows purchased before Wednesday. This seems to apply to all shows available now. I got seats in the rear balcony for $39 but it seems they have orchestra for $99 and mezzanine for $79.
Was there someone famous in the audience at Come from Away on Saturday night? Jul 3
2017, 11:04:59 AM
As far as we could tell the ushers were just getting the audience pumped up. We went to the stage door after and the cast all came out and left pretty quickly (they were going to a Canada Day celebration) which, from my general experience, they usually hang out backstage longer if someone famous was in the audience and is meeting them afterward. The entire cast told us that they'd rated that nights audience top 5 ever, though. The first person who said it I assumed was just having fun but
INDECENT Previews May 13
2017, 04:47:58 PM
Has anyone tried rush lately? Is there any need to show up more than 2 hours before the box office opens?
The Humans - Rush/Limited View Jun 9
2016, 12:31:51 PM
Arrived for rush today a little before 9. There were about 6-8 people ahead of us, at least one person bought a single ticket, not sure about the rest. We were the last two rush tickets that were sold, the person behind us who arrived around 9 was offered $50 orchestra tickets, but no more rush.
Hiptix Party? Mar 3
2016, 06:01:09 PM
I have Hiptix tickets to She Loves Me tomorrow, the night of their Hiptix party. Has anyone been to one of these before? We didn't realize the party was tomorrow so we weren't planning on going, is it worth going? Are the food/drinks free?
Fun Home Standing Room? Sep 23
2015, 12:24:52 PM
Thanks, we did try back about 10 minutes ago and were able to get tickets!
Fun Home Standing Room? Sep 23
2015, 10:39:23 AM
I tried standing room this morning. By 10 there were about 20 people in line. Both the matinee and evening shows weren't sold out so they were not selling any standing room tickets. They were offering discounted $52 seats, though.
Matilda Rush? Mar 14
2013, 08:24:07 PM
Just a heads up on their facebook page they just announced no rush for tomorrow.
MATILDA Previews Mar 10
2013, 03:11:05 AM
Bailey is a fantastic Matilda. I felt like she rushed a little through dialogue at the beginning, but that's to be expected at her first performance. She settled nicely by the second act. Her "Quiet" was absolutely amazing. Generally, the kids accents are a little hard to understand but I think that'll get worked out as previews continue and the accent becomes more second nature.
Is Matilda selling student rush in previews? Mar 10
2013, 03:07:37 AM
Yes, I just realized that, makes more sense, sorry. Anyway, take home message... Get there early! There were well over 50 people in line for about 15 tickets this morning, and it's just going to get worse.
Is Matilda selling student rush in previews? Mar 10
2013, 01:41:43 AM
There was definitely a matinee today (Milly was on the board this morning and Bailey was on tonight), so I'm not sure why there were no tickets. Like I said it looks like they're just selling what is left over in partial view.
Is Matilda selling student rush in previews? Mar 9
2013, 10:21:01 AM
I just got out often student rush line. We got there around 8 and were about 8th in line. From my estimation they sold 15 tickets, there was only 1 available after we bought our pair. Everyone bought night tickets, I'm not sure about the matinee but the box office man announced "only 1 ticket left," which I think meant total. We are partial view HH 20-22. It sounds like they are just selling extra partial view, there are no specific rush seats. They only asked for one form of ID and bar
2011, 09:45:00 PM
How early are people getting there Sunday for Dan and John's last? My friends and I were planning on getting there early (an hour or two after the ball drops, since we'll be there). We just want to make sure we won't be the only ones there, we don't want to be sitting on the street alone.