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Member Name: Orbachfan
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Spring Awakening Auditions in San Francisco
 Aug 22 2008, 03:31:34 PM
So my roomate and I want to go to the open calls except i dont know what to sing. my range is A3 to F5 i guess thats mezzo
it says no musical theatre only folk and alt rock
i dont know any cuz all i listen to is musical theatre any suggestions??????

re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
 Aug 21 2008, 07:35:06 PM
re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
 Aug 21 2008, 07:29:38 PM
all you did was call him/her a sock puppet and they wrote that
Im guessing sock puppet is bad???

re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
 Aug 21 2008, 07:26:20 PM
my mother is a computer nazi she dosnt let anyone not even my dad on the computer
funny because she is not computer savy at all
she said if i joined i would be on too much and i would take up to much of her time
so glad for college

so no one knows how to make the broadwayworld radio work???

re: Guys and Dolls revival casting
 Aug 21 2008, 07:24:18 PM
I don't have anyone in mind right now but who ever they cast i hope is amazing because i love guys and dolls and i don't want to be disappointed. Chance are i will be with at least one cast memeber though

Patrick wilson maybe a good choice

re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
 Aug 21 2008, 07:16:38 PM
wow you guys are mean.
my mom said i could finally join because i got my own computer for college.
Does anyone know how to get the broadwayradio to work????
Its not working on my mac

re: New information on the Rocky Horror Remake...
 Aug 21 2008, 07:12:55 PM
I am not sure how i feel about a remake
re: Lea Michele as Elphaba
 Aug 21 2008, 07:09:19 PM

Im new here and I don't get why everyone is being mean
what did rentluvar do? and whats a sock puppet??

and rentluvar I like lea's voice she might have what it takes for elphaba with a little coaching

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