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Member Name: tookcharge
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re: ACE The Musical Perfect Cast
 Sep 18 2008, 12:18:20 PM
Have you seen this production? Angelina Kelly is a superstar. There is no way they’ll replace her.

“…audience falls so instantly and madly for a pint-sized actress named Angelina Kelly, playing the secondary role of playground busybody Emily.
Never mind that precocious little Angelina, in glasses that make her eyes look as large as plums, is preternaturally cute and funny. … From the second she enters partway through Act 1, Angelina's character feels solidly, incontrovertibly alive.”
Peter Marks – Washington Post

“Future star (and I mean it; this kid is going to be huge) Angelina Kelly, is sweet, smart and steals every scene she is in as Danny's only friend. She laps up the chance to play the odd kid like cream, and the only disappointing thing about her performance is that there isn't more of it.”
James Howard - BBW

“…the real stars of "Ace" are the two spunky youngsters… Kelly is too cute for words as the nerdy sleuth and amateur psychologist. She knocks home runs with her two perky numbers”
Paul Harris – Variety

re: The 'Du Crew/fANADu's (XANADU Fans Unite!)
 Sep 18 2008, 11:58:41 AM
My sincere condolences to you in your time of sorrow. Know that you are not alone.
re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
 Sep 4 2008, 12:43:58 PM
I was afraid of this.

I'm glad I did not post a review in previews because, having attended opening night, it is an entirely different show. That said, the trimming still didn't go far enough.

The score is beautiful, and the performances are excellent. Jill Paice (Elizabeth) lights up the stage early in act 2 and overwhelms with heartbreak and anger at it's end. Emily Skinner is both funny and fragile. Christiane Noll's (Ruth)voice soars.

Both Jim Stanek (Johm R

re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
 Aug 28 2008, 04:34:58 PM
In no way did I want to discourage or delay anyone from seeing this show. As I said, I enjoyed it and look forward to seeing it again.

re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
 Aug 28 2008, 11:56:38 AM
Been lurking on these boards for ages, and finally took the plunge.

I enjoyed ACE last nite. And yes, there are issues. (Saw Matt in JB, and loved him, but the melodramatic acting...) I think it's only fair to wait out preview week before posting a real review.

What caused me to actually register and leave a comment was the previous reviewer's mention of Angelina Kelly.

We didn't agree on ACE as a whole, but, every person in our group of five felt that we had

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