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re: Making It On Broadway - thoughts
 Aug 11 2004, 07:43:04 PM
Ok I had another thought.
Damn ADD.
The "art" of Broadway mostly lies in the rehearsal process. THAT is when things are discovered and created. Then once in performance, it becomes about maintainence and recreation.
You can hole up in your office when you've had a fight with your spouse, or lost your dog, or any other personal trauma. But when you've got to "put it on" and forget about your life and the things that ultimately REALLY matter, that's when it becomes difficult. That's w

re: Making It On Broadway - thoughts
 Aug 11 2004, 07:23:13 PM
You are so right.
But I guess what I failed to make clear is that the tone of the book isn't something the the authors sought after. The tape recorders ran and the actors mouths did too. The reason why the names eventually bled away is because the book did exactly what it was meant to for you the reader. Which is to tap into the collective vibe of a great deal of the community. The common thoughts and feelings.
It's not about the individual stories. More of a psychological profil

re: Making It On Broadway - thoughts
 Aug 11 2004, 05:28:50 PM
One more thing...
EVERYONE I know has done sh*tty jobs between shows. Like hanging scaffolding. We know what it's like to appreciate the "gift" of theater.
The problem arises when this "gift" no longer provides steady income for your children or your landlord. When there are others that you are responsible for, but yet there's nothing in the world you want to do but continue this quest for the Grail.
You should have been backstage the day Deven May and I were painting the d

re: Making It On Broadway - thoughts
 Aug 11 2004, 05:20:56 PM
Hey guys,
I totally appreciate all your points of view. I just thought I'd chime in as a contributor to the book.
When Jodi and David first started collecting stories quite a number of years ago, they had no idea the direction that the book would eventually take. It was the interviews themselves that set the tone and took us all on the journey, you included.
It's very easy to say that we become disgruntled, or are frustrated with the apparently shame-ridden task of "chorus b

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