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Member Name: justme3
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 Mar 28 2016, 09:58:09 PM

Yes you are right, the play does seem in part like unrelated scenes patched together.
The song "In Tune" is just stuck there and is not really a part of any plot, and I think enough was said about Spanglish. 
I'm not saying it wasn't fun and entertaining but they could have done a better job plot-wise. And in a way with all the changes and all the different people that worked on it the play was indeed 'slapped together'

It's been 4-5 ye

 Mar 24 2016, 06:38:27 AM

Here's a short scene from Seeesaw between Michele Lee and Ken Howard

 Mar 24 2016, 06:37:35 AM

CarlosAlberto said: "

I've never heard of the Michele Lee sounds like they were going for a Mary Tyler Moore/Marlo Thomas kind of thing just slightly kookier. 
I would love to see it out of curiosity, maybe the Paley Center has a copy to view?
Since we're talking Michele Lee I have to say that she is resilient. She has really done it all: Broadway stage, films, records and television and yet I feel like she's always been undeservedly under

 Mar 24 2016, 06:20:31 AM

Ken Howard died today...

 Mar 18 2016, 10:12:28 AM

GavestonPS said: "
I find your post very odd, because Michele Lee possesses none of the qualities you quite rightly ascribe to Gittel. Although Lee is apparently of Jewish descent, she doesn't read as conventionally "ethnic". And she certainly doesn't normally play schlemiels who can't tell Nevada from Nebraska.

She must have won over the audience by sheer force of her considerable talent. But perhaps she did so at the expense of the character?


Did you see Michele Lee's pilot show which aired around that time? She was playing a very Gittelish character - this sweet lovable girl that can't get a date. Then when she finally gets one, she wears her dress backwards, gets stuck in the sewing machine, burns the food and finally the guy tells her he can't make it to their date the following day because.... he's getting married that night

But apart from the non-sophisticated part which I don't attribute to her, I think Michele had a lot in common with the character back then. 

 Mar 18 2016, 10:04:46 AM

CarlosAlberto said: "
Oh thanks for the correction justme3 and the information regarding the character of "Gittel".

I thought I remember Michele Lee saying she got cast in "Knots" because of Kasha but I must have been mis-remembering it. 

I believe it was David Jacobs and not Michael Filerman who created "Knots Landing".


You're right about David Jacobs. I knew David Jacobs came up with the

 Mar 17 2016, 04:38:06 AM

In the 1973 version Gittel is described as a giver, she loves to give from herself but doesn't know how to take. Jerry teaches her how to take back and love herself
She's also a "loveable lunatic" - a "Schlemiel" with awkard jokes who doesn't always think twice before she says something, yet sweet and loveable
Gittel also descrbies herself as not very smart and sophisticated. She doesn't know what "The Big Apple" means and confuses Nebra

 Mar 17 2016, 04:28:48 AM

CarlosAlberto said: "I read Mandelbaum's book and from what I can recall (it's currently in storage) is that it was the combination of the weight and Bennett's feelings that Kazan wasn't a dancer.  


I agree with Galveston that Kazan absolutely fit the role of Gittel as written by William Gibson in the play "Two for the Seesaw". Gittel is a Jewish Girl from the Bronx, she's kooky and a bit rough around the edges, in other

 Mar 15 2016, 08:32:06 PM

Mr Roxy said: "If Encores did it, who would do the Tommy Tune part . It would be a bitch to cast.


The guy is climbing 4 stairs at a time it's unbelievable

 Mar 15 2016, 04:03:44 AM

GavestonPS said: "I too love Michele Lee's belt and her performance on the OBC recording, but readers shouldn't assume Lainie Kazan was any slouch in the vocal department. I saw Miss Kazan in concert about 10 years ago (she was in her 60s by then) and it was one of the best performances by a vocalist I have ever seen.

Maybe Bennett WAS just bothered by her weight, but who knows? Directors get an odd idea in their heads (see Hal Prince on HELLO, DOLLY! or on Liza Mi

 Mar 15 2016, 04:00:54 AM

cliffordbradshaw2 said: "Nor sure if this has been seen before, but I just posted Tommy Tune and company in "It's Not Where You Start" from a 1973 telethon.  Enjoy----



Wow, great video!!! Thanks for sharing! 
I always wanted to see this scene. I had a version of this from "Broadway at the Bowl" but this is way better! 

were you the one that posted a year ago a clip of Michele Lee singing the seesaw finale on one of the STAGE benefits ?


 Mar 14 2016, 08:49:09 AM

CarlosAlberto said: "



It is really nice to know that despite all the back stage drama that went on during production of SEESAW that Lainie Kazan and Michele Lee are still friends.



They didn't speak for 30+ years. Here's how they made up:


 Mar 14 2016, 08:46:50 AM

GavestonPS said: "Mr Roxy said: "Many shows are dated but that does not stopped them from being revived. Sorry you did not enjoy it as most of the posters here did. Everyone has different opinions about shows.



I too love the recording and had it memorized back in the 1970s.

But in addition to its structural problems, SEESAW hasn't been revived because the idea of a Protestant dating a Jew is no long

 Mar 13 2016, 08:14:07 AM

Had the pleasure of listening to audio recordings of the original show which I recently found. If you get a chance it's really worth listening to, and even better along with the play's book.

The words local colloquialism will never be the same again

Wish there was a video of this.

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