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Member Name: Carly6
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Hamilton Cancellation Line
 Jun 15 2016, 11:47:31 AM

Can anyone confirm that the limiting to 20 people thing is still happening, and if these times are staying consistent?

"The people from the theater took the first 20 in line around 5:30 pm and told everyone else to disperse from the theater and come back at 11:30 pm"

Do people actually show back up at 11:30 pm and the video strategy is working, or do people try to continue the line across the street (despite being kicked out the first time)?

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 Jun 6 2016, 02:22:27 PM

Hey all! I just wanted to be another person who puts out the offer of paying for someone's ticket if they help me wait in line.

I can make my way to the city for any show, but work restricts me from having enough time to wait in line for a ticket. 


Hamilton Cancellation Line
 May 14 2016, 02:30:20 AM

I mean, as far as I can tell, the rule is an attempt to get rid of paid line sitters. The intent of these tickets was to allow people who couldn't buy resale tickets the opportunity to buy cheaper tickets. The line sitters (SOLD), regardless of how nice they are, are just another way for people with more money to see the show, and screw over people with less. 

That's what I think the intent is, so I think if you're waiting in line for pair tickets, the person you are s

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 May 12 2016, 08:45:13 AM


Thanks so much! Earliest I can get there is 4, so I've got my fingers crossed. Yeah, I'm really hoping my friend will be able to see it, since they've flown out and all (and I also really want to see it, obviously haha). Hope you get in tonight!


Ah dang, that #1 is worrying but also not very clear. Surely if someone is waiting for pair tickets, the two people within the pair can share the line-waiting duty, as long as one of them

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 May 12 2016, 07:37:14 AM

Ehlbee said: "Hey everyone! I made it to the cancellation line at midnight. I'm currently eighth in line, but in fifth place for standard tickets, since the two girls in front of me are getting premium. I'm going to try and nap for a little, but I'll write down anything interesting that happens.

Line so far: two men up in the front, two SOLD guys, premium girls, myself, and a man first in line for Friday - we established that if I didn't get in today,

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 May 11 2016, 05:05:49 PM

misterstuf said: 
"So I edited my original post slightly to clarify. The front SOLD guy on line for TUESDAY's show got there at 6am on MONDAY (apparently showed up an hour later than he was supposed to but was still first). The front sold guy for WEDNESDAY's show got there at 5am on TUESDAY.
While we were in the show last night two more Wednesday waiters showed up and then two guys showed up who decided they were going to be first on line for THURSDAY (so about 43-45 hours before the show starts). They didn't seem to be professionals, and Miguel (the SOLD guy) said that this might shift his boss's strategy suggestions if it happens again. I hope SOLD doesn't start doing 48 hours out or more. That would be truly ridiculous, and people not paying for line spots might be SOL (leave of the last D for devastating).

Oh god, I'll never be able to see it without shelling out big money or trying to get time off work to just wait, if that's all true! Yiiiikes

I can't believe somehow waiting in line for cancellation tickets has become another "only people with hella money" thing.

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 May 11 2016, 03:47:24 PM

Hi everyone, I'm so glad I found this board - I was reading articles trying to get info on this, but was worried about accuracy since they were posted months ago.

A message that was just posted said a SOLD guy got in line for thursday's show at 5am on wednesday? Is that for real??

Can anyone tell me when people start lining up for saturday tickets nowadays? I'm hoping it's not earlier than friday evening. I can't wait for any of the weekday shows because

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