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Profile for CephaSays

Member Name: CephaSays
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Hamilton Cancellation Line
 May 31 2016, 07:31:28 PM

Em6 said: "Does anyone know if chairs are, once again, allowed in the cancellation line?  We noticed after the show on Saturday night, a (folding/camping) chair in the line.  At noon time the next day, just before we left the city, someone was sitting on the chair in the line (right side of the theater).

It would be GREAT if they've lifted the ban on chairs.  They're more comfy to sleep in during the night, and it makes the place look more

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 May 31 2016, 02:17:23 PM

kimcredible said: "Also, I see stories of people getting here very early the night before for a show the next day, but no one ever talks about the stage door. Say someone gets in line at 10pm, couldn't they stage door for the show that night? I guess that's for another board but still, I find it weird that no one ever mentions it. Do people just not do it or do they just exclude it from their stories? Or is it because it's rude since they didn't watch t

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 May 31 2016, 09:06:38 AM

gatorgirl2 said: "Congrats on seeing the show CephaSays! Where were your seats? 



Row F, seats 103 and 104 I believe.   Almost center, directly two rows behind someone who paid for premium.  I thought our seats were amazing.  Plus, we were only two rows and two seats away from Jeff Daniels!

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 May 30 2016, 10:26:52 PM

Didn't realize we looked so rough!  I was in the cancellation line from 5:40pm on Saturday evening until the Sunday evening show.  There were only about 8 people who stayed overnight and the line grew in the morning.  We were 3rd and 4th in line, behind a line sitter that had been there since 5:30am Saturday morning (who only wanted premium for the matinee) and someone who got there at 3:30pm.  

The matinee show released 4 premium tickets, 13 orchestra seat

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