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Hamilton Cancellation Line
 Jul 6 2016, 11:35:37 AM

lafayettelove said: "How's it going everyone?? Any updates on the random picking or is that still in effect??"

This only happened the one time and hasn't been done since. While I was in line the theater employees said "we pick the first 20 people we see" but they only say that because they don't officially endorse the way the line policies itself. In reality, they pretty much follow the list because it makes their lives easier. On Saturday when

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 Jul 3 2016, 09:45:08 AM

mikem said: "I'm pretty sure that Andrew Chappelle was on for Anthony Ramos at yesterday's matinee, but everyone else was in.  Not sure about last night."

You are correct about Andrew Chappelle, I missed that change when looking at the cast list for the show. Premium tickets were $549 and standard are now $199. My seat was row F and I actually ended up sitting right in front of Alex Lacamoire which was pretty cool.

My brother did say that from sta

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 Jul 2 2016, 07:36:06 PM

Wick3 said: "Congrats vomsy!!! After all that wait I think you guys would appreciate a seat vs standing room!


how was the cast? The show?

The show was amazing! The entire cast was there for our show which I am so, so happy about and it completely blew me away (no pun intended). In my opinion, it 100% lived up to the hype and I am totally happy with our decision to do the cancellation line. Now we're just trying to figure out what to

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 Jul 2 2016, 06:05:38 PM

Quick(ish) update- I got to see the show today! Around 15 tickets went out for today's matinee, including 3 premiums that were sold about 2 hours before the show. All 20 or so people in front of us passed on them and my brother ended up surprising me and snagged a premium for me as a birthday gift. I went in at the regular time, saw 4 people from the line go to their seats right before show time and then found out during intermission that my brother got in as well as the folks w

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 Jul 2 2016, 10:35:32 AM

BroadwaySara said: "How many SRO tix are available each show?"

I don't know how many are held for cast friends/family and there's also no way to know how many will be released for a show. 

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 Jul 2 2016, 09:23:40 AM

MyFavoriteBrunette said: "vomsy said:  Haha, thanks! I'm glad you've enjoyed them. Most of the wait is pretty boring so I've had to amuse myself however I can. 

How many hours are you up to?  Anyone left the line and gave up?  Anyone already passing on tix for the 9th?  That's a week away soon! hang in there!

I'm up to 56 hours now. We have bus tickets for Monday morning so we're hoping luck i

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 Jul 1 2016, 11:53:18 PM

Anakela said: "Not to be a creeper but your #Hamilquest updates on Twitter are entertaining; I can't wait to see the Sat/Sunday tweets when you get in!

and the lunch vote should always be Shake Shack.

Haha, thanks! I'm glad you've enjoyed them. Most of the wait is pretty boring so I've had to amuse myself however I can. 

8 tickets total went out today- 1 premium earlier in the day and 7 other tickets right before the sh

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 Jul 1 2016, 02:08:34 PM

Wick3 said: "vomsy said: "
Last night only 7 tickets went out so there's been a consistent decrease in the number of tickets available which is partially inflating the wait time. We were chatting with RRT staff earlier who think we (#19 on "the list" might get in on Saturday night but most likely not until Sunday. Luckily we aren't picky about seeing Lin so we don't mind seeing the Sunday matinee. "


Hamilton Cancellation Line
 Jul 1 2016, 11:56:35 AM

lafayettelove said: "Anyone on the line now??? How is it?? I might join if it's not too terrible but I highly doubt it."

I'm still in line and "the list" currently has 27 names on it for a total of roughly 47 tickets. However, several people behind me in line have expressed reluctance to stay the night so there's a strong possibility they leave after tonight's show.

Last night only 7 tickets went out so there's been a consistent decrease in the number of tickets available which is partially inflating the wait time. We were chatting with RRT staff earlier who think we (#19 on "the list" might get in on Saturday night but most likely not until Sunday. Luckily we aren't picky about seeing Lin so we don't mind seeing the Sunday matinee. 

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 Jun 30 2016, 12:11:33 PM

I've been in line at the RRT since 1 am and as of now there are about 40 people in line (at most). Yes, very few tickets were given out yesterday (only 9 total) but the theater honored the line's list and a couple people ahead of me in line said someone from RRT had reassured them they'll be following the list from now on, provided the line cooperates with their requests as well. However, it's also worth noting that the person managing the list right now did say that the

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 Jun 29 2016, 10:38:23 AM

meepsnyc said: "So when the staff is picking people at random, are they picking people to stay in the line to wait further or picking people for the actual available tickets?"

Based on what people who were there said, over the weekend staff picked 20 people at random to stay in line directly prior to the show and cancellation tickets went to those 20 regardless of where they had previously been in line. Some people who had been in line for 4+ days went home

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 Jun 29 2016, 10:08:54 AM

aaaaaa15 said: "I wish people would start following the theatre's rules. Maybe they'd respect the cancellation line more."

Yeah, I agree. Apparently the folks who lined up last night lined up across the street to kind of get around the RRT's policy. To my mind, it's difficult to argue that the theater should honor the line's self-imposed rules if the line isn't going to honor the theater's actual rules.

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 Jun 29 2016, 09:44:17 AM

Has anyone walked by the line this morning? Based on some pics from Twitter it looks like the RRT didn't end up enforcing the "no re-forming until 10 am Wednesday" policy after all and I'm curious how many people have hopped in line.

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 Jun 28 2016, 02:13:59 PM

broadwayfever said: "vomsy said: "My brother and I are heading up to do the line tomorrow evening and this has me veeeery nervous about how the RRT will be handling things from now on. I'll be curious to see what happens as the line starts to re-form tomorrow morning."

It's really not worth staying overnight anymore being that the security guard's have already said that they will be picking people randomly to get into the cancellation li

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 Jun 28 2016, 12:39:57 PM

aaaaaa15 said: "Oh vomsy, you missed an entire 14-page thread on that Tumblr post."

I found that thread right after posting my comment, lol. I was actually going to come back in here and edit my comment since I feel a little silly now. This has been the only thread I really only come on to check updates in this specific thread and based on some of the comments in the other thread, that may have been the wise choice lol.

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 Jun 28 2016, 12:31:11 PM

In case anyone is curious what went down with the line last week before it was cleared for filming, someone on Tumblr wrote up their experience here in full: It sounds like total chaos and is definitely a little upsetting. My brother and I are heading up to do the line tomorrow evening and this has me veeeery nervous about how the RRT will be handling things from now on. I'll be curious to see what happens as the line starts to re-form tomorrow morning. (On a side note, I love the "Hamilcamp" name the line apparently gave itself, I hope it sticks.)

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 Jun 21 2016, 12:40:03 PM

lisamaria said: "spent time reading through the thread....... how does the 'line' work in terms of people having to actually physically be on the line?   i've noted people having hotel rooms to shower, etc.  

is one able to physically leave the line?

sorry if this has already been addressed.

thank you in advance.

You will need someone in line to hold your spot for you if you want to take breaks for whatever reason. That can be another member of your group or I suppose you could negotiate with someone else in line to briefly hold your spot, I wouldn't count on that though. This link may have been shared before but someone on Tunblr shared their line tips here:

Does anyone know if there is an "official" Hamilton cancellation line hashtag? My brother and I will be heading to NYC next week to give the line a shot and I'm hoping there might be another way to track wait times and line length other than this thread.

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 Jun 13 2016, 05:05:00 PM

casedilla2 said: "mailhandler777 said: "I walked by about 20 minutes after Clumsy Dude did and someone came out of the theatre and made them all leave until tomorrow morning. Guess they don't want it looking like a tent city(minus the tent) anymore."

This is not true, I am currently in line and we are still camping out in front of the theater. What they are doing is limiting the number of overnight people to about 20, and turning everyone else a

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 Jun 11 2016, 10:37:40 AM

alicity said: "n8leagr8 said: "I heard reports that the line split, and there was a fight. Can you verify this?"

Yep. That happened. I'm a bit too tired to elaborate.

Yikes. The line splitting is the thing I'm most worried about happening when I go. Let us know the details when you can!

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 Jun 10 2016, 12:22:10 PM

rangersrule132 said: "Has anyone who braved the line have a list of things they wish they would have brought or suggest someone to bring."

Ham4Prez posted a couple pages back their suggestions, which I have saved for reference-

"ham4prez said: "We highly suggest you bring some kind of mat/pillow to sit on since chairs are no longer allowed (side note – there were one or two people on line who pulled chairs out and used them and they were on

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