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Member Name: vetrik
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Lion King discounts?
 Oct 17 2016, 04:56:21 PM

MyFavoriteBrunette said: "Depending when you go, the prices change and that's about it.  I know because I am looking to gift a ticket to my sister as a gift and when I look month to month, same seats in the orchestra differ.  Hope this helps.



This is true. If your dates are flexible, Ticketmaster has an option on the main calendar to search for tickets by Best Prices. It will pull up the shows that are a little less expensive.

I discovered this for Aladdin when I was shopping for tickets a few months ago. I don't know how the Lion King prices compare to Aladdin, but using that search method I got mezzanine tickets for a Saturday matinee about $30 or so cheaper than I saw the same seats on other dates. That was the best way I saw to get any sort of discount other than the lottery.

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 Sep 7 2016, 09:17:52 AM

Are there any more reports of what the line has been like for non-Wednesday weekday shows? It seems like a lot of people have been waiting on Wednesdays. I have a chance to go into the city tomorrow, and have to decide today if I'm going. I live about a 3 hour drive away, and I don't know if I can get there early enough to make it worthwhile to try the line. I'd have to take the day off from work, so I don't want to waste it if it's unlikely we'll get in!

Your First Broadway Show
 Jul 28 2016, 01:38:04 PM

My first Broadway show was Damn Yankees in March 1995 on a high school band trip. I mostly remember being amazed at the production seamlessly the sets moved and were rearranged and the amazing performers. Obviously nothing I had ever seen before was even close to comparing! I think my interest was awakened and I convinced my mom to buy season tickets for our local theater for the 1995-1996 season, and I was able to see so many shows that year to feed my growing love! It was good

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