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Member Name: countabby
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Six Rush or Lottery News
 Feb 17 2020, 11:36:29 AM
Interesting update regarding the lottery. Yesterday my friend was notified at 9:01am that she was selected for stand-by lottery seats. The email said if a regular lottery ticket is unclaimed she would have the opportunity to purchase a lottery ticket. Then at 10:02 she received a second email saying she won the lottery.

I think it’s really cool that they are giving out unclaimed lottery tickets to the digital lottery for the discounted cost of the ticket.

Six Rush or Lottery News
 Feb 16 2020, 06:16:23 PM

(Deleted post-ticket claimed) 

Six Rush or Lottery News
 Feb 16 2020, 07:56:05 AM
Today is a 2 show day and we got here at 7:15 AM. We are SIXth,7th, and 8th in line. The box office opens at noon. It is now 8 AM and there are about 16 people in line.
Lifespan of a Fact Rush
 Dec 9 2018, 05:34:37 PM

Today is Sunday, December 9 and it is 32° outside. I walked up to the box office at 5:00pm and was able to purchase two $40 Orchestra tickets for the 7pm show. Row M114 and 115. Prior to leaving my house I researched how many seats were left unsold. There were over 80 seats available in the front mezzanine and about 100 available in the orchestra. The show was also on sale at the TKTS booth for 50% off.

Charlie Rush Tickets
 Jul 4 2017, 12:28:15 PM

greenifyme2 said: "Did you like the show/was it worth it??


It was absolutely worth $40 and 2 hours in line. I laughed a lot and enjoyed the nostalgia the show invokes. The oompa loompas were beyond adorable! 


Great Comet Rush
 Jul 4 2017, 10:10:13 AM

chuckydisc said: "countabby said: "My friend and I are rushing tomorrow morning 7/1. We're planing to arrive at the theater around 4:00am"

What time did you and your friend end up arriving and how far back in the line are you?


We overslept and arrived at 5:30am. We were about 22 in line. By 7:30am the line was down past the fence cover and to the stores. We purchased tickets for the matinee- orchestra E17-19. The v

Charlie Rush Tickets
 Jul 4 2017, 09:37:30 AM

chuckydisc said: "countabby said: "My friend and I got here at 8am for a 7:00 performance. We were 2nd in line. The line really started gaining people after 8:30. It's 9:50 and there are about 35 people in line"

What were you offered at 10AM and what did you accept?



We were offered 2 seats together that were obstructed view or singles. I'm not sure where the obstructed view sears were located-

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 Jul 3 2017, 09:58:37 AM

On 7/1 my friend and I decided to try the cancelation line after we got out of the Great Comet matinee. We got in line 4:30pm and we're 7/8 in line. The first people in line got their tickets around 6:00pm. The 4 people in front of us were waiting for SRO. We got our tickets at 7:00pm. I'm not sure how many tickets were sold after us that night but everyone I talked in line to got into the theater. I'm guessing at least 10 people behind us got tickets. 


Charlie Rush Tickets
 Jul 3 2017, 09:49:29 AM

My friend and I got here at 8am for a 7:00 performance. We were 2nd in line. The line really started gaining people after 8:30. It's 9:50 and there are about 35 people in line 

Great Comet Rush
 Jul 1 2017, 12:17:44 AM

My friend and I are rushing tomorrow morning 7/1. We're planing to arrive at the theater around 4:00am and we can pick up 2 extra tickets if you're willing to help cover our costs. Thank you! 

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 Oct 26 2016, 05:44:09 PM

Huss417 Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you. I stopped following this thread for a while. My ticket was in the center orchestra and I paid $199. I'm not sure what qualifies as a "Premium Seat" but i can tell you I had an amazing view from my aisle seat in row G. 


Huss417 said: "countabby said: "   I have been reading this thread for a while for tips and I wanted to thank everyone for their help

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 Sep 2 2016, 07:08:32 PM

   I have been reading this thread for a while for tips and I wanted to thank everyone for their helpful information. I decided to wait on the Wednesday evening cancelation line on 8/31 for a single ticket. Here is my experience. BTW this was my first time seeing Hamilton.

  • -arrived 4:40: No clear line. I decided to stand on the left side of the box office. Shortly after, unofficial lines form on both side of the B.O.
  • -5:15 th
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