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re: 1974 EQUUS Original Play Photos? Dec 29
2008, 12:23:13 AM
would have been awesome to see the older versions, so id have something more palpable to compare the new one too. other than the movie that is.
re: Should I go see Equus, before its run ends? Dec 19
2008, 04:40:24 AM
i just don't think it got the kind of critical reception in the press that they were aiming for, to be honest. when the buzz reads more like "hey did anyone notice anna camp has no pubic hair" rather than "hey did anyone notice how brilliant that play was" then they probably missed their mark slightly. well at least anna got a role on a hit hbo show now :) good for her.
re: Should I go see Equus, before its run ends? Dec 17
2008, 01:52:49 AM
i wonder if the'll bring it to any other cities, or even bring it back on broadway, once it's closed next year.
re: Should I go see Equus, before its run ends? Dec 16
2008, 04:17:19 PM
yeah he seems to really love his work. its good to see.
re: Should I go see Equus, before its run ends? Dec 16
2008, 12:24:30 AM
Oh, 2 other questions, anyone know when the show ends for good? And have the understudies been called on for any performances that anyone has seen? Come to think of it, who is Radcliffes understudy, and Camps, and Griffiths? Anyone know? It must be so hard to be an understudy for Radcliffe and Camp, what with the nudity demands and all.
re: Should I go see Equus, before its run ends? Dec 15
2008, 04:25:29 PM
I guess I agree with "dramamama611". It's not a matter of it ruining the scene, but when something drastic is not period accurate, you kind of break the illusion, now in this case its something completly ridiculas like her lack of pubic hair, but it would be the same thing as if he were to whip out an ipod or something, it just doesnt fit with the story.
re: Should I go see Equus, before its run ends? Dec 15
2008, 04:25:23 AM
who knows maybe she reads this board lol (ya right)
re: Should I go see Equus, before its run ends? Dec 15
2008, 12:51:15 AM
Wow, thanks for all the advise guys. I think I may go see it after all. By the way, just picked up the sunday edition of that local paper that had the review I posted in it, and apparently my local reviewer was so offended at Anna's decision to be "modern" that he felt the need to ammend his blurb from last week to include this: "And shame on the director for allowing an actress to appear on stage devoid of any sign that shes a woman and not a girl." And this reviewer
Should I go see Equus, before its run ends? Dec 14
2008, 05:32:47 PM
I've seen mixed reviews, so I figure you people here, know your stuff. Is Equus worth the hype? Or should I spend my money on something else? I did see Anna Camp in The Country Girl and loved that, but this is obviously a different type of experience by far. And this is what it says in my local theatre review, it's very cryptic, can anyone explain what this means to me please. "Equus 2008 Broadway, NY: Overall Equus is a 6/10, in this reviewers humble opinion. It was fun to watch, m
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