The Official Kennedy Center FOLLIES Thread May 12
2011, 03:32:42 PM
... one other note - Vamoose bus stops in Rosslyn, VA, just across the street from the Rosslyn Metro station. From that station you're only one stop away from the Foggy Bottom/Kennedy Center stop.
The Official Kennedy Center FOLLIES Thread May 12
2011, 03:28:39 PM
LOL, Jordan you must have been sitting right behind me! I was in Row C - just a wee bit closer to the center. Absolutely fabulous seats so don't be afraid of the balcony at the Eisenhower - I've sat there many times and never regretted it.
re: What 2 shows for a High School to see? Sep 11
2009, 11:29:31 PM
Billy Elliot and South Pacific
re: Great Book About 42 nd St Sep 2
2009, 09:40:59 PM
The book (by Anthony Bianco) is available at Amazon. I just ordered a hardback for $3.98. Thanks so much for the recommendation, Mr. Roxy.
re: The ACTUAL Ragtime poster art... Aug 27
2009, 12:44:07 PM
I agree completely. It's a fabulous poster - but it doesn't come close to representing the show I saw in DC.
re: The First Wives Club---Full Review Aug 27
2009, 12:34:32 PM
It's really a shame how this is all turning out. I can't help but imagine what this would be like if Jerry Herman had composed the score. Imagine 3 Jerry divas in one show!
re: Will Swenson sings National Anthem at Mets game Aug 23
2009, 09:43:43 AM
YOu really should try to get that tin ear of yours fixed.
re: Will Swenson sings National Anthem at Mets game Aug 22
2009, 08:00:42 PM
Greg Jbara sang it at a Mets game a couple of weeks ago and did a beautiful job with it. It's a tough song to sing!
re: Since First Wives Club isn't working... Aug 9
2009, 09:41:08 PM
Swing Shift might be fun. Especially if they put in a lot of 40's big band style music.
re: Since First Wives Club isn't working... Aug 9
2009, 09:36:30 PM
Lord no! I'd love to see Death Becomes Her on stage - but put Lupone in it and I won't go near the theatre. I swore after the last time I would never spend another nickel or 5 minutes of my time on her.
re: STAGE TUBE: 'THE FIRST WIVES CLUB' Video Preview! Jul 27
2009, 12:45:59 PM
I'm wondering if one of these ladies were responsible for talking the producers into releasing this video? I mean - think about it. They're all too talented to want to be stuck with this mess but they've probably each signed contracts. If word of mouth (as shown on this thread) kills the show in San Diego, then they'll have gotten a few dollars, they won't have to break their contract, and they won't have to risk ruining their reputations in NY.
re: talking to the audience... Jul 27
2009, 10:43:24 AM
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels Flower Drum Song revival
re: 9 to 5 Tony Question Jul 25
2009, 10:39:03 PM
Audiences in NY jump to their feet for EVERYTHING. It's meaningless. 9to5 failed to win anything because it wasn't very good. It was all right - but it wasn't deserving of any awards.
re: Seeing Shows By Yourself Jul 24
2009, 09:19:56 PM
As you've (no doubt) gathered, going to the theatre is not only perfectly acceptable, it's even encouraged by many. I know I've been going by myself for years and I love the freedom that comes when I go alone. My bigger problem in NY is finding a place to eat when I'm by myself. So many places simply don't want to seat a woman who's by herself and other places make you feel incredibly uncomfortable when you're sitting alone. Anybody have any recommendations for singles?
re: Flops that Deserve a Second Chance Jul 20
2009, 11:07:25 PM
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. A fabulous show that was done in by all the publicity hype attached to the inferior Spamalot. The problem is that they'll never get this incredible cast again.
re: Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 7/19 Jul 20
2009, 10:55:22 PM
While speaking of BE, I see that their gross just keeps climbing. Of course most of the increase is ticket cost, but I noticed that this house that does not sell standing room DID sell 2 more seats than they had capacity for. Do you think they've got 2 people sitting in the same seat? (and does the one on top pay more than the one below?)
re: Why No West Side Story ? Jul 20
2009, 02:22:37 PM
Billy Elliot is performing 8/13, they have a huge cast, and I understand that they're sold out - at least through the summer.
re: Riedel: Press Take Revenge On Tony Awards Jul 17
2009, 03:22:18 PM
"It still has platforms, it still has power." The problem with his argument is that the press is losing its platforms and has lost most of its power. Do you really think the Tony committee didn't consider a press backlash when they decided to do this? The New York Times is dying. The Washington Post is dying. The smaller papers in NY who still do theatre reviews are read by an incredibly small audience. The only reviewers who still may reach any kind of a sizable audience are on te
re: >Official Post for Broadway Barks photos/comments* Jul 11
2009, 10:47:43 PM
THanks for posting these - but you have to have a webshots account if you want to see anything besides thumbnails for yours elphie. It's too bad because they look like they might be good. (I used to have webshots but I didn't want to put them on my new computer because they add so much extra junk onto your pc.)
re: >Official Post for Broadway Barks photos/comments* Jul 11
2009, 10:20:19 PM
BWW and/or always posted photos in the past and I'm really disappointed not to find any now. The only photos I could find on facebook were of Bernadette Peters' book signing. I wanted to see all the performers and the dogs!