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re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
 Apr 19 2009, 01:36:15 AM
I dunno about that... Kevin Bacon is not exactly a tabloid machine, as compared to Jen Anderson or Russell Crowe, and yet when you've done that many good movies it seems you can't be left alone, even if you're not inflammatory. I suppose he could have had people with him, or requested help sneaking by the audience from the ushers, but I'm not really sure how it works with all celebs.

It's also possible that there was nothing about it you'd have to be a guy to understand; simply that som

re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
 Apr 17 2009, 10:47:23 PM
The opening night feature is amazing! It just makes me all the more jealous that I couldn't have been there!

It's amazing to see Kitt and Yorkey talking about how this is their dream come true!

re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
 Apr 16 2009, 01:23:35 AM
Well now that you've made it clearer what you meant in terms of the idea of the suicide, it does make more sense; people will have different dispositions to how dark they want a story like this to conclude. Some will want everyone to have died, some will want them to become the perfect family. It seems we are all somewhat talking about the same thing now, the idea of posing the possibilities, but in varying degrees.

What I'm curious to know now, though, in more specific terms, is why yo

re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
 Apr 16 2009, 01:07:55 AM
Sorry ZONEACE, dunno how I mixed that up. Corrected now.
re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
 Apr 16 2009, 12:59:33 AM
ZiggyCringe: I disagree wholeheartedly, but without getting too deep into it myself, can you explain how you feel that having Diana kill herself after a second successful attempt would adequately support her reconciliation with her daughter?

re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
 Apr 14 2009, 03:34:19 PM
N2N would DEFINITELY be extended with a Tony win, I am sure of it. Something I'm noticing now is that the mezz has been filling up pretty consistently; not sure about the orchestra, but I imagine it has to be fairly consistent. Not sure how many comps are still happening, but it says something that business is going up. The thing is, the Booth is such a freakin' small theatre to host even a moderately priced musical, I could see producers pulling out even if sales were fairly consistent, in orde
re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
 Apr 13 2009, 11:20:02 PM

A little something extra to advertise with, and a big honor for both of the stars!

re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
 Apr 13 2009, 06:53:20 PM
"And we'd be spending less time debating whether it was responsible or irresponsible in its portrayal of the medical profession and protocols."

(Sorry, I don't know how to work the italics)

I kind of like that Hobson gets to play both, because then the appearance of the actor can directly represent the entirety of the psychiatric profession, which is a significant yet singular part of the story. I don't know that simply adding another actor would lower the level of debate, and

re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
 Apr 13 2009, 06:12:40 AM
I'm a late-comer to the lovefest, but no less enthusiastic. I will say right off the bat that I am in a unique position which has allowed me to see Act I consistently, but I have yet to see Act II. I do however own the soundtrack (which has played nonstop on my iPod since Tuesday) and I have a pretty good sense at this point of how things go down. I'll just touch on a few things that interest me that perhaps haven't been touched on or have only been touched on briefly.

First, there are mixed suggestions here and elsewhere as to how damning the show is of psychiatry and/or psychiatric medication. The show certainly gives a solid ribbing to pharmacology, as Dr. Fine is a humorously flat character who associates mental health with the absence of personal identity. Dr. Madden is certainly more rounded however, at least from what I've seen and gathered. His attempts to help Diane never come off as callous or dismissive; rather, I think he truly believes in the power of what he's learned as a doctor, to a fault. In his overconfident way, he seems unable to fathom how other factors in Diane's life might be affecting her mental state (i.e. Dan's outright denial of Gabe). I know I'm biased as the son of a psychiatrist, but I don't see any of Madden's choices as inherently wrong, simply too shallow for this complex situation.

Second, I find it interesting that people are referring to Gabe as a "ghost," without pretense. I must wonder if this is to suggest that A) the concept of ghosts is being used metaphorically in your wording, B) you really believe in ghosts, or C) you saw N2N as taking a foray into the fantastical and "unrealistic" world. I tend most towards A, and I wouldn't use the term ghost but rather spirit (splitting hairs, I know), simply because no matter what else Gabe is, what's most clear is that he represents the "spirit" of the family's dysfunction. And I like the idea one posed that each family member conceives him differently.

Most importantly, I would like to address an element of the human drama I don't think has been mentioned at all, which is Dan's utter DEPENDENCE on Diane. This struck me most of all about his character, even more than the revelation with Gabe (although the two are intrinsically tied), partly as someone who has also been dating someone since college (no babies). It is scary how deeply I feel Dan's dependence, and it actually causes me to step back and look at myself more closely. This is not to suggest that such early relationships can't be healthy. I would simply highlight the fact that Dan seems willing to do anything to help and keep Diane EXCEPT share her grief, something he might have an easier time of if his world wasn't so centered on his wife. Certainly her absence, however short, long or everlasting, shall help him develop as an individual.

Finally... I know that early on, someone mentioned that we shouldn't focus on Aaron's looks, but man... youthful energy, raw talent, and chiseled features... can anybody say bi-curious?


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