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Member Name: MirrorBride
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re: Little Mermaid Review- 5/31/09 @ 3
 Jun 3 2009, 04:35:27 PM
Ahh, I see. It must just be a precaution then.
re: Little Mermaid Review- 5/31/09 @ 3
 Jun 3 2009, 04:23:30 PM
Why would they hold auditions if the show might be closing?
re: The Addams Family Kicking Out Mermaid?
 Jun 3 2009, 02:57:20 PM
The thing is, do we know what will happen with the shows after that? Do we know Disney's plans? Has anything been confirmed as to what they plan on doing after? Will Mermaid tour? Will Addams family bomb? We just don't know. That's what I'm trying to say.
re: Little Mermaid Review- 5/31/09 @ 3
 Jun 3 2009, 01:42:29 PM
Maybe if the show stays open against what many people have been saying, she'll eventually come back. Whatever she does, her voice will be amazing.
re: The Addams Family Kicking Out Mermaid?
 Jun 3 2009, 01:35:09 PM
You have to keep in mind that I'm not saying what will happen, I'm only saying possibilities. I'm sorry you disagree with me, but again, all I'm saying is that we can't know what will happen with Mermaid, Addams, and the Lunt until it all happens or is confirmed by Disney or the Nederlander theatres.
re: The Addams Family Kicking Out Mermaid?
 Jun 2 2009, 09:26:23 PM
We don't know fully what will happen. There are unlikely circumstances that could happen or not. Mermaid could close and tour, it could move, of simply just close. That's my point, we can't pinpoint what Disney's plans are.

re: The Addams Family Kicking Out Mermaid?
 Jun 2 2009, 09:03:56 PM
Then we'll see what happens with Mermaid.
re: The Addams Family Kicking Out Mermaid?
 Jun 2 2009, 08:47:13 PM
"I just want to point something out. You joined two days ago. And, both your avatars have had to do with Disney shows. Now, it's okay if you like them. Everyone has their own show or set of shows that they just flat out love. But, let's be real here."

Just because my avatar is Disney doesn't mean they're the only shows I enjoy. They're just the most original looking photographs I have of the few shows that I have pictures from. In fact, I happen to enjoy Phantom, Into the Woods

re: The Addams Family Kicking Out Mermaid?
 Jun 2 2009, 06:24:09 PM
I think Disney changes it the day that the new cast member comes on.
re: The Addams Family Kicking Out Mermaid?
 Jun 2 2009, 05:32:26 PM
All I'm saying is no one knows what Disney's plans are yet. Mermaid could go on tour, move, or stay in the Lunt. You can disagree with me, it's fine that you do. I'm just saying you can't always believe what you see and hear until it is said by the source.
re: The Addams Family Kicking Out Mermaid?
 Jun 2 2009, 05:27:50 PM
We all have been talking about the show taking another theatre if Addams takes the Lunt.
re: The Addams Family Kicking Out Mermaid?
 Jun 2 2009, 05:22:52 PM
How can you not? Tell me someplace it was confirmed. Then I won't call it a rumor.

Mermaid is still doing fairly well and there's been no talk by Disney about it closing.

re: The Addams Family Kicking Out Mermaid?
 Jun 2 2009, 05:15:44 PM
It still hasn't been proven. Rumors are just what they are, rumors, until someone comes and proves it. There are things also disproving it. We'll just see what happens.
re: The Addams Family Kicking Out Mermaid?
 Jun 2 2009, 05:12:14 PM
Yeah, I may be biased, but it isn't my only favorite show. I'm not refusing to believe it could happen, am I? I never said it wouldn't, I just can't see it closing so soon, and neither can other people I know.

I'm simply saying it's only a possibility, it's not confirmed. Until it is confirmed by the Lunt owners or Disney, Mermaid isn't closing for me. This is a rumor, a rumor that hasn't yet been confirmed.

People said Beauty and the Beast would do horrible, along with Pha

re: The Addams Family Kicking Out Mermaid?
 Jun 2 2009, 04:21:14 PM
^ Fully agree.
re: The Addams Family Kicking Out Mermaid?
 Jun 2 2009, 04:15:13 PM
"Mirror Bride, re read what you just wrote. You do realize that you were saying the same thing I was. And, further more, if you ask anyone who follows High School Musical like the cult that it has turned out to be. Any tween fangirl will be able to tell you who Drew Seeley is. I do think that his name will bring people in due to the fact that it is stunt casting. It doesn't matter if he is in any disney channel shows or not. His fame is based upon the fact that he did the singing voice for wh
re: The Addams Family Kicking Out Mermaid?
 Jun 2 2009, 03:44:48 PM
It would most likely be far too scary for children.
re: The Addams Family Kicking Out Mermaid?
 Jun 2 2009, 03:41:32 PM
Personally, I think The Little Mermaid is a more famous name. The Addams family isn't as famous in younger generations as Mermaid is. Parents won't take their kids to Addams as they did to Mermaid. Kids simply won't be interested in it. Mermaid is a family show, something for kids and adults to enjoy.

I don't think it would necessarily be the name that sells. The casting, maybe. Though not everyone knows Broadway names. The majority of people don't. TLM is a Disney name and Di

re: The Addams Family Kicking Out Mermaid?
 Jun 2 2009, 03:08:20 PM
They wouldn't tour and then go back to Broadway. And, besides, it has been said before that the touring sets of a show are different then the Broadway sets of a given show. This is because the sets for a Broadway production are made to fit that particular theatre rather then being small enough that any theatre can fit the sets.

Truth be told, the reason why they chose that opera house in Denver as the place to house the out of town try out of Mermaid was because it's stage specificat

re: Movie Musicals You Wish They Would Do Again & Right This Time
 Jun 2 2009, 02:44:06 PM
MirrorBride: When Julie Andrews was asked a few years back whom they should cast as Maria if THE SOUND OF MUSIC was remade, she suggested... (drumroll)... Cameron freakin' Diaz!

Seriously? Wow...I never heard that. If they were to remake it I hope they would choose someone trained. I'm sure she would do alright...but wouldn't be my top choice.

I think a lot of times they base movie musical casting off of acting, which makes sense. I think they could pay more attenti

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