
New West End Theatre podcast made by two West End performers!

New West End Theatre podcast made by two West End performers!

#1New West End Theatre podcast made by two West End performers!
Posted: 3/18/16 at 1:46pm

Hi guys, myself and fellow West End performer Ben Morris have just released our very own West End theatre podcast entitled "Inside The West End". 


Our aim is to chat to the people who make the West End happen and to hear how they got to where they are.

Our preview episode is currently out and our first two episodes go live on Sunday at 8am GMT. 

Episode 1 = Tim Minchin giving us his first interview about his brand new musical "Ground Hog Day", as well as chatting to us about how he writes a musical. 

Episode 2 = Backstage at the Adelphi Theatre chatting to Killian Donnelly about how he got from doing Am Dram in Ireland to becoming the 'go-to' west end leading man.

With many more high profile and interesting guests in the upcoming weeks!

Please follow the link and subscribe.  We are very proud of it and we are sure that you will love it. 

Feel free to share on social media also, we are @insidewestend on twitter and have a page on Facebook too.

Enjoy! https://itun.es/gb/Q1Xobb.c

