
CHAPLIN to Close on Broadway January 6- Page 2

CHAPLIN to Close on Broadway January 6

#25CHAPLIN to Close on Broadway January 6
Posted: 12/4/12 at 11:24am

I usually resist responding to most posts, but not today. Must be the weather. Newintown - investors do not invest in shows looking for (or even being satisfied with) tax deductions. To have a useful tax deduction, one must have income and a high marginal tax rate: most high net worth individuals and businesses have PLENTY of tax carryovers from 2009, thank you very much. As far as my research indicates, investing in theater requires the same skills as investing in anything: what am I willing to put at risk, what do I think about the product, how long am I willing to wait to see any of my money back. If there is a story/music/book/production that has possibilities, investors invest expecting to make their money back. They can and do read, understand and weight the risks. Just be glad they are willing to do it because otherwise you would have nothing to spew your venom at. You are so consistently negative about shows and the industry in general that I wonder at your lack of gratitude for those who make it possible in the first place. You will be visited by three ghosts...

newintown Profile Photo
#26CHAPLIN to Close on Broadway January 6
Posted: 12/4/12 at 11:49am

I was writing tongue-in-cheek, wonkit, but thanks for the info.

" You are so consistently negative about shows and the industry in general that I wonder at your lack of gratitude for those who make it possible in the first place."

You see what you look for, and you must be looking for the negative; I speak up for what I think is good as well as criticizing what I think is bad. You may be one of those people for whom negative comments are so horrifying, they blot out everything else; if so, that's your problem. Or maybe you're merely a theatre PR wonk, used to plugging everything.

Updated On: 12/4/12 at 11:49 AM

castlestreet Profile Photo
#27CHAPLIN to Close on Broadway January 6
Posted: 12/4/12 at 1:39pm

I found the show to be very charming and an all around nice night at the theater. Am listening to the Cast CD right now- very well done.

That being said, I was not surprised that a show like this didn't take off and find a huge audience- shows like this just don't take off anymore.

#28CHAPLIN to Close on Broadway January 6
Posted: 12/5/12 at 1:52pm

So sad. 3 shows this week are announced to end their performances.
