Billy the Kid

#50re: Billy the Kid
Posted: 7/17/07 at 3:42pm

> I don't know how Billy has seen Young Frankenstein in Seattle yet

re-read billy's posts ... i dont believe he's claimed to have seen YF in seattle. he's only said:

(1) he's with the show
(2) he's seen the sets
(3) he's from nyc
(4) he's in seattle now

the recent arrival of the shows cast doesnt contradict billy's posts, exactly.

im just sayin' ... re: Billy the Kid

"You, sir, are a moron." (PlayItAgain)

Billy the Kid
#51re: Billy the Kid
Posted: 7/17/07 at 5:59pm

GREASE i said i was wrong!!! Nobody is perfect

#52re: Billy the Kid
Posted: 7/17/07 at 6:01pm

YF has been rehearsing at New 42nd Street Studios until now.

Billy The Kid is a liar.
Updated On: 7/17/07 at 06:01 PM

#53re: Billy the Kid
Posted: 7/17/07 at 7:03pm

i cant believe im even bothering with this thread -- guess im the dumbass!!! -- but WHERE did billy say he saw the rehearsals *in seattle*?

"You, sir, are a moron." (PlayItAgain)
