
COMPANY in Cincinnati Review- Page 4

COMPANY in Cincinnati Review

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#75re: COMPANY in Cincinnati Review
Posted: 3/24/06 at 2:21am

I think its fairly impossible to not be influenced by our knowledge of an actor's sexuality. That's always cited as one of the primary reasons more "Hollywood stars" don't come out of the closet: the fear that the public would no longer buy them as a heterosexual character.

I definitely thought John Barrowman, Chris Sieber and George Chakiris (on the Lincoln Center video) all came across as pretty gay Roberts, but than so did my mother, so perhaps it wasn't me just picking up on the "gay vibe."

But gay or straight, sexuality is the challange of the role, because Bobby does need to come across as being a very sexual being or the show doesn't really work. That was one of the problems I had with Boyd Gaines in the revival.

I'd definitely be curioius to see Esparza in the role. He's definitely sexual - gay/straight/bi/pan whatever he is these days and at least he's slept with a woman which is more than you can say for most musical theatre leading men who've played the part.

#76re: COMPANY in Cincinnati Review
Posted: 3/24/06 at 2:22am

Oh yeah, I heard that was actually Sondheim on the answering machine back when I first saw Tick Tick Boom.

I just listened to that interview twice. I am so glad I came across that. Hope everyone enjoys it re: COMPANY in Cincinnati Review
