
We all speculated...THE BOY FROM OZ ARENA PRODUCTION 2006 WITH Hugh Jackman- Page 5

We all speculated...THE BOY FROM OZ ARENA PRODUCTION 2006 WITH Hugh Jackman

alterego Profile Photo
#100re: We all speculated...THE BOY FROM OZ ARENA PRODUCTION 2006 WITH Hugh Jac
Posted: 11/11/05 at 7:17am

Sad that they have put Ms Burchmore into Tomfoolery (yes it was a Cam Mac show back in the late 80's?). I think giving that role to Magda in Spelling Bee is a serious mistake. It's like saying we can't sell a ticket for this show without a name, any name. Don't forget she really isn't a singer, she can carry a tune, but a singer no.
