Pulse a year later

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#1Pulse a year later
Posted: 6/12/17 at 9:34am

I was just looking at my FB posts from last year, several friendships and family interactions happened that day with gun owners I know, those relationships have been over for a year.  What a horrible feeling it was waking up to that news last year.  I hope the victims friends and family have begun some kind of healing process.  They're in my thoughts today, just as Sandy Hook is every December now for years.  It seems like a year ago a lot of the subsequent talk was about assault weapons, now that talk has all but disappeared amid the circus of this presidency.  This massacre hit close to home for a lot of people who come here to chat.  Today all the people in here are in my thoughts.



#2Pulse a year later
Posted: 6/12/17 at 2:20pm

Tragically, the NRA owns all issues re: gun policy.  And, there is no interest to address any legitimate gun safety legislation.  My family in the red states have arsenals of weapons and still complain that Obama is going to take away their guns. 

madbrian Profile Photo
#3Pulse a year later
Posted: 6/12/17 at 2:26pm

If common sense gun reform (assault weapons, large clips, armor piercing ammo, background checks, etc.) didn't happen after Newtown, I have little hope for it.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

#4Pulse a year later
Posted: 6/12/17 at 8:51pm

After the events of last year, I felt so much hate directed towards us. The victims were minding their own business and were just having fun. The hate made me think that Trump was going to win even though at that time, everyone was saying Hillary would triumph. Among those killed was a couple that had hoped to get married but never did. My BF and I decided not to put it off any longer and commit ourselves to each other. We wanted to share with our family and friends who we are and the love we have. We knew we wanted to get married to each other but the events at Pulse (and the fear that Trump winning would remove whatever rights we had back) made us do it sooner than later. We were married a few weeks after Pulse as a reminder to not take each other for granted and that in the end, love always wins. 
