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Member Name: AmaraCaledonia
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Marc Kudisch and Chitty question
 Jun 8 2005, 03:04:06 AM
So apparently Marc is going to LaChiusa's See What I Wanna See Off-Broadway sometime this fall. But all of the articles I've read about it seem to be not very clear on this one point, so I'm asking you: Is it going to be a limited run, therefore he'll only be taking a break from Chitty? Or is he leaving the show for good?

Also, any word on a recording? I just can't imagine Michael Ball as anyone but Marius, so I need a new Chitty.

re: Does Chitty Chitty Bang Bang have a future?
 Jun 7 2005, 02:40:11 AM
Haha, this is such a late comment, but whatever. I didn't want to make my own post. XD

Chitty is actually a great and fun show. I won't get into it, however, for fear of someone biting my head off for enjoying it. Just a quick question...odds of getting a recording? Because really, Erin, Raul, Jan, and Marc are sooooo much better than the OLC (I can never imagine Michael Ball as anyone but Marius).

re: Shockheaded Peter
 May 12 2005, 12:22:46 PM
I have tickets to it for the 28th, the night before it closes. I don't suppose you'd care to give a small review of why you thought what you did?


re: Little Women song
 May 12 2005, 11:53:41 AM
As already stated, it's "The Fire Within Me". It's such a beautiful song. <3
re: 'I think she's too big a name to TOUR right now'
 May 12 2005, 11:30:38 AM
I've been told by many performers that touring here is wonderful thing. There are downs of course, and if you tour too long it apparently gets pretty rough on you mentally. But it's almost a full year that you're earning a paycheck and not paying New York prices for Rent, Food, Etc. And again, you get the chance to meet and perform for people who you normally wouldn't. You have a wider audience and you get to (sort of) see the country.
re: 'I think she's too big a name to TOUR right now'
 May 12 2005, 10:45:10 AM
Look at the last cast of the RENT tour. The actors recieved a HUGE fan base from the tour. And now Marcus is in the Broadway cast, and I know people going to New York and seeing RENT for the umpteenth time just to see him again. I see why some people wouldn't want to tour. There are, however, many pluses to it. You do reach a wider audience and people are more likely to want to see shows in New York with performers they've seen before and trust than they are with someone completely unknown.

re: RENT movie trailor releases next month??
 Apr 24 2005, 01:28:21 AM
I would look out for it on House of Wax if any of them. I know they showed that trailer on a TON of Sony movies, so the studios may have a deal or something going on *shrugs*
re: Good Vibrations Cast Recording
 Apr 6 2005, 05:47:08 PM
Haha, yay! Thanks for your support, hun. <3
re: Good Vibrations Cast Recording
 Apr 4 2005, 03:28:55 PM
RE: Who's that in your icon?
 Apr 4 2005, 03:28:04 PM
<--- c'est moi!
re: What's the most recent show you've seen?
 Apr 2 2005, 07:47:13 PM
I just saw the National Tour of Miss Saigon a few hours ago.
re: Chitty Lotto or Student Tickets?
 Apr 2 2005, 07:08:21 PM
Oh, thanks for that! <3
re: Chitty Lotto or Student Tickets?
 Apr 2 2005, 06:49:28 PM
Is it good? I mean, I'm sure it is. Ha. What a dumb question. Would you recommend it to other people then?
re: Chitty Lotto or Student Tickets?
 Apr 2 2005, 06:46:25 PM
Well, hopefully they'll have some sort of student Rush by the end of May. Have any of you actually seen the show yet?
Chitty Lotto or Student Tickets?
 Apr 2 2005, 06:29:58 PM
Does anybody know if there are Student Seats or a Lotto for Chitty Chitty Bang Bang tickets? I looked on the site and couldn't find anything. I'm probably just blind though. Any help is appreciated. <3
re: Most expressive voice?
 Mar 31 2005, 09:15:09 PM
Frances Ruffelle.
re: Good Vibrations Cast Recording
 Mar 28 2005, 11:22:14 AM
Oh my goodness. Even 'All Shook Up' is getting a recording. Come on, Good Vibrations, you can do it!!
re: Good Vibrations Cast Recording
 Mar 26 2005, 10:45:29 PM
Thank you so much! Have a great Easter! (if you celebrate it, anyway!)
re: Good Vibrations Cast Recording
 Mar 24 2005, 11:06:08 PM
I fought pretty hard earlier this week. We got over 100 sigs in one day. But then I took a beating from life, so I didn't have much time. But now, it's the weekend and life is on the backburner, so back to fighting!

Thanks for signing! Be sure to spread the link around! Get all your friends to sign! It's what all the cool kids are doing!

re: Good Vibrations Cast Recording
 Mar 24 2005, 02:26:02 PM
Isn't Cali great? Other than NYC, it has to be my favourite place on earth (that I've been to, anyway).

Stephen Oremus worked on All Shook Up, correct? He's amazing. I met him twice last year at both Avenue Q and Wicked. Such a nice guy and so talented. Really though, I'm happy with Good Vibrations the way it is. There're a few minor things that could be changed, but I really like it. Personal opinion of course, however.

And thank you so much for signing! It really means

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