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Member Name: jasonk
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Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson running time?
 Sep 20 2010, 11:10:58 AM
Fixed the typo, I was tired. I don't know about what "we don't know" but I do know the producers wanted a name but all they wound up with was Kristine Nielsen. She's a good actress but it's no real upgrade. They should have stuck with the original cast. The show was perfect as is.
rOcKS @ 'Angels in America'
 Sep 20 2010, 01:02:49 AM
I love hearing other peoples opinions on the show. We all see something a little different.
rOcKS @ 'Angels in America'
 Sep 20 2010, 12:52:37 AM
i forgave some of the tech sluggishness this being only the 4th show in front of an audience. and kushner always wanted the stage fakery to show through. it's in the text. he wanted stagehands and no blackouts and for the wires to show.
rOcKS @ 'Angels in America'
 Sep 20 2010, 12:49:20 AM
rippedman i think you kind of nailed it. zoe kazan is doing mary louise parker doing harper. i have no doubt in my mind that she has watched the hbo version more than once. the line readings were so similar. but she just doesn't have whatever it is that MLP does. weight. intensity. a way with language. a touch of the crazy. so it doesn't work at all.
rOcKS @ 'Angels in America'
 Sep 20 2010, 12:41:21 AM
Naked (or clothed) in the Credeaux Canvas he certainly was. Pace is really tall as well. And broad shouldered. The man from the original cast actually isn't quite the same type as the later two.

rOcKS @ 'Angels in America'
 Sep 20 2010, 12:36:15 AM
Yeah I saw Lee Pace in the Credeaux Canvas years ago and he was amazing. But I think Bill Heck is fantastic and he is definitely the right choice for this production.
rOcKS @ 'Angels in America'
 Sep 19 2010, 11:55:07 PM
Another interesting tidbit is Lee Pace was supposedly offered Joe before the man who plays it. But he was great. He really gave that part a lot of depth.
Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson running time?
 Sep 19 2010, 11:52:27 PM
I'm super bummed they recast the narrator though. She killed it at the Public.

rOcKS @ 'Angels in America'
 Sep 19 2010, 11:43:37 PM
Yes everyone was better in the second half. Even Miss Kazan. I still think she is a miscast but she annoyed me less. Perhaps people give a little harder for the night performances than the matinees as is often the case in theatre. And yes Quinto does make Louis likable yet also a dick who makes crappy decisions. He is perfect. In part two I really loved the stuff between Mother Pitt and Prior. Those scenes were just really well done. And I found Frank Deal to be MUCH better in the second
rOcKS @ 'Angels in America'
 Sep 19 2010, 06:43:43 PM
Saw the first half today. Zach Quinto does the impossible. He made the play about Louis and made him entirely likable. He is the star of this show. And I wasn't a fan going in. The Angel/Nurse and The Mother/Ethel are both very good. Belize is fantastic. The guy playing Joe is perfect for the part. The Prior isn't hitting the humor as much as I would like but he is decent. Zoe Kazan is an atrocity. To think Marcia Gay Harden and Mary Louse Parker have both played this roll. Two of our
re: What do you think of Mamet's 'Race?'
 Dec 7 2009, 01:43:00 PM
Ha no it's ok. We all like who we like and don't like who we don't. :)
re: RACE Reviews
 Dec 7 2009, 01:40:09 PM
When did you see it? I saw it last night and she was pretty great. There is nothing for her to do in the first act really but that is the writing. She was fantastic in the long scenes with Spader alone and in the final scene. Maybe she was worse in previews? Spader is by far the best though. Loved him. But it's kind of written to be a one man show.
re: What do you think of Mamet's 'Race?'
 Dec 7 2009, 01:31:49 PM
MimiJudith you must really not like Washington. You've been complaining about her since June on these forums.
re: RACE Reviews
 Dec 7 2009, 01:24:38 PM
I thought Kerry Washington was great. As great as you can be with Mamet's horrible misogynistic writing and direction. Richard Thomas was the weak link for me. Spader was fantastic and Grier was very funny.
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