
What do you think of Mamet's "Race?"

What do you think of Mamet's "Race?"

MimiJudith Profile Photo
#1What do you think of Mamet's "Race?"
Posted: 12/1/09 at 10:50am

Just wondering what everyone thinks...

MimiJudith Profile Photo
#2re: What do you think of Mamet's 'Race?'
Posted: 12/2/09 at 4:42pm


#2re: What do you think of Mamet's 'Race?'
Posted: 12/2/09 at 4:47pm

I actually thought it was Mamet's most substantial play since GLENGARRY.

Of course, that's looking past the SPEED-THE-PLOW-ian twist in the second act.

But over all, it's an interesting, very enjoyable piece that is superbly acted by 3/4 of the cast.

MimiJudith Profile Photo
#3re: What do you think of Mamet's 'Race?'
Posted: 12/2/09 at 4:49pm

What about the other 1/4 of the cast?

#1Elphie Profile Photo
#4re: What do you think of Mamet's 'Race?'
Posted: 12/2/09 at 5:08pm

Well, if 3/4 of the cast is superb, you can probably assume that the last 1/4 is the opposite of superb.
To those who have seen it recently, has she improved at all?

I think the play is fabulous, probably my favorite Mamet play I've seen on stage. It's thought-provoking and not didactic, it's (mostly) very well acted, and overall I just thought it was a wonderful production.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#5re: What do you think of Mamet's 'Race?'
Posted: 12/2/09 at 5:09pm

The other 1/4 of the cast is Kerry Washington who is apparently robotic, stiff, and just not very good.

I'm seeing the show next Tuesday and am very excited.

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#6re: What do you think of Mamet's 'Race?'
Posted: 12/2/09 at 5:24pm

Saw it last Wednesday. She was as stiff as a board. Terrible. Richard Thomas wasn't that great either in his small part. Too be honest, I wasn't in love with James Spader either, but he was fine. David Alan Grier was easily the best of the four. He was excellent.

Play  Esq. Profile Photo
Play Esq.
#7re: What do you think of Mamet's 'Race?'
Posted: 12/2/09 at 5:30pm

I would like to add, from an attorney's perspective, the first act is painstakingly accurate (and, at the same wonderfully fictitious). It demonstrates precisely how an attorney initiates and examines a client during an intake, with the occasional dramatic flourish thrown in for good measure (that being: all the things we would like to say to a client).

ALSO: Couldn't agree more about the other 1/4. Washington's performance is tragically wooden.

Having said that, I thought it was overall quite good. Though, you could see the ending coming a mile away.

POSSIBLE SPOILER*********************************************

The ending's conclusion is really quite implausible. For one, the new evidence would be precluded during trial and/or would be cause for a mistral upon introduction.

Additionally, THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL WASHINGTON'S CHARACTER WOULDN'T BE DISBARRED. No junior associate would throw away an entire career (and suffer years of student debt) merely to ruin one case (or one man). Why the hell was she working at a Defense firm to begin with???

Updated On: 12/2/09 at 05:30 PM

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#8re: What do you think of Mamet's 'Race?'
Posted: 12/2/09 at 7:43pm

One of his best.

Poster Emeritus

MimiJudith Profile Photo
#9re: What do you think of Mamet's 'Race?'
Posted: 12/3/09 at 10:12am

When's it opening?

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#10re: What do you think of Mamet's 'Race?'
Posted: 12/3/09 at 10:19am

This coming Sunday.

vodkastinger Profile Photo
#11re: What do you think of Mamet's 'Race?'
Posted: 12/3/09 at 1:10pm

Here's my review from Tuesday's performance:

It’s the key word on Broadway this season. Fela talks about it; Finian’s Rainbow deals with segregation and bigotry in old world ‘Missitucky’; In The Next Room features a subplot about the Mrs. Givings distrust of “the colored woman” who is her baby’s wet nurse; Ragtime is played through the dichotomy of ethnicity, class, and prejudice at the turn of the century; Memphis is centered around the topic. Besides their themes of race, all of these have something key in common–they take us into the past to deal with our national sin. Then comes David Mamet’s Race. Like an open-handed slap in the face, Race tackles the issue at hand in the here and now. As expected from Mamet, it is loud, it is crass, it is shocking. It also delivers.

I will forego any type of plot summary, as Race is a play that relies on surprise to fully work. I will let you know that the play centers on two lawyers (James Spader and David Alan Grier), their legal assistant (Kerry Washington), and a white man accused of raping a black woman (Richard Thomas). The writing is exactly what one would expect from Mamet. If you are a fan of his, you will probably like this. If you do not care for his style, you will not care for Race. I happen to fall somewhere inbetween on the subject of Mamet. While I find Race compelling, brave, and never dull, I can also see that it is in some ways a flash in the pan. It probably would not work nearly as well upon a second viewing (although I’m curious to test this theory), nor will it hold up against time. Race will not be remembered in twenty years as a great work of playwriting. It will also probably be butchered by subsequent productions, as it relies on Mamet’s apt direction, brilliant pacing, and the work of its outstanding cast. Race is for this moment what Oleanna was for its, and if in 17 years it is revived as Oleanna was, it would probably suffer the same fate.

The cast is uniformly excellent. David Alan Grier, known to most audiences for comedy, is flawless in his performance as the more jaded and scarred of the two lawyers. James Spader, who has turned portraying smarmy lawyers into a notable career, is a natural in the role of Jack Lawson–a man more smarmy and brash than would be allowed on network television. Richard Thomas, the veteran theatre actor of the cast, is an incredible talent who is so embodied in his role that it elevates the comparitavely small role into the heart of the ensemble piece. The real surprise for me was film actress Kerry Washington (Ray, The Last King of Scotland), who in her Broadway debut gives the breakout turn of the piece. Although she is a bit stilted in the first act, I would attribute this to Mamet’s continued difficulty of writing for female characters. However, Ms. Washington rises above any problems in writing to run away with the second act with knockout delivery and a skilled balance of toughness and fragility.

The design elements all work in tandem towards a vision that is very much Mr. Mamet’s. To comment too much on them would also be a spoiler I do not want to touch. However, all of the elements are expertly executed towards the overarching goal of the piece.

Race is not perfect. With this play, Mamet and the ensemble have essentially just started throwing everything within them up against the wall to see what sticks. Despite quite large flaws, I can’t think of a play this season more worth seeing. It is emotional, it is tough, and it is often very uncomfortable–and such is inevitable with a completely visceral discussion on America and race.

(you can see more of my reviews at therushline.com)

#12re: What do you think of Mamet's 'Race?'
Posted: 12/3/09 at 4:27pm

You want a show about RACE?

Check this out:


#13re: What do you think of Mamet's 'Race?'
Posted: 12/3/09 at 9:09pm

The play is very sharp and very engaging. Except for the wooden Washington, it's well-acted and Richard Thomas is terrific.

MimiJudith Profile Photo
#14re: What do you think of Mamet's 'Race?'
Posted: 12/4/09 at 10:35am

I wonder if they'll attempt to recast Kerry Washington (if they aren't doing so already).

#15re: What do you think of Mamet's 'Race?'
Posted: 12/6/09 at 1:16am

Here are my thoughts:

I wasn't planning on seeing the show, but while walking home from dinner with friends I decided on a whim to see it and I was very impressed.

The writing is superb and thought provoking. A very simple plot that is made immensely entertaining by the writing. This is MUCH MUCH better than "November" which played at the same theater 2 seasons ago.

The acting was excellent. James Spader, David Allen Grier, and Richard Thomas are both splendid and give award worthy (or at least nominated worthy) performances. James Spader was the standout for me and he was very appreciative at the curtain call as well as the stagedoor afterwards.

In terms of Kerry Washington, I honestly think people are giving her a hard time. I was honestly expecting a train wreck but I was pleasantly surprised. I thought she did fine. She will not get any award recognition but I think she put forth a great effort. I think she is just one of those actresses that is just better on film. On a positive note her presence is really wonderful. At the top of the show when she is just standing upstage observing the conversation you can not help but keep your eyes on her. I think she is obviously still working some things out but I think it is mean and a disservice to the show to say she should be replaced.

All in all, I had a wonderful night. I thought about the show for quite a while after I saw it, and I might even go back in a few weeks and take a look at it again.

#16re: What do you think of Mamet's 'Race?'
Posted: 12/7/09 at 1:31pm

MimiJudith you must really not like Washington. You've been complaining about her since June on these forums.

MimiJudith Profile Photo
#17re: What do you think of Mamet's 'Race?'
Posted: 12/7/09 at 1:39pm

LOL, jasonk. I didn't even realize. I'll stop now.

#18re: What do you think of Mamet's 'Race?'
Posted: 12/7/09 at 1:43pm

Ha no it's ok. We all like who we like and don't like who we don't. :)

#19re: What do you think of Mamet's 'Race?'
Posted: 12/14/09 at 5:56pm

Just saw Race saturday. Thought it was great. I agree that in the first half Kerry Washington was a bit stiff but was excellent in the last half. The other actors were amaxing. Loved James Spader's performance.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#20re: What do you think of Mamet's 'Race?'
Posted: 12/14/09 at 6:04pm

Can't wait to see this for myself. Going right after christmas.

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