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Can understudies or swings get nominated for a tony? Jun 26
2017, 09:49:57 PM
So say an understudy for a lead, can they get nominated, or a featured actor, or a swing member for one role they play?
How did Sutton foster change so fast in shrek? May 18
2017, 02:32:30 PM
In Shrek the musical, how was Sutton able to change into an ogre so fast? (This is probably a really common question)
Who's the lead of the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee? May 15
2017, 09:56:36 AM
i thought it was olive and barfee, but when Celia and dan were nominated for a tony, it was for best featured actors, so who else would it be? Rona? Panch? Can I get some opinions up in here?
Stagedooring a show I didn't see? Jan 28
2017, 02:05:11 AM
I'm going to New York in the spring, and Im trying to take the advantage of hopefully meeting some broadway stars. One of them I really want to meet is Gideon Glick. I'm not able to watch Significant Other, and I feel like it would be pretty rude if I just stagedoored and asked for a picture, but I'm not sure. Are there any other ways I could meet him? Or should I just stick with stagedooring?
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