Sondheim/Ives HERE WE ARE @ The Shed Sep 29
2023, 06:01:53 PM
StylishCynic said: "Ann Harada was in attendance, I believe, as well as some nyc about town personalities."
Yes, she was— was standing behind her in that bananas line for the escalator.
Sondheim's Final Musical HERE WE ARE will premiere at The Shed this fall (No, really!) Sep 20
2023, 01:43:37 PM
TaffyDavenport said: "They've added a row of $87 high stool seating, available only on TodayTix."
Just snagged a first preview seat! Thank god I have push notifications on, it looks like they are going fast.
The $87 includes the ticket fee, FYI.
SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting Mar 1
2023, 10:44:43 PM
GoSmileLaughCryClap said: "Could the lack of the factory whistle have anything to do with the 500,000 social media posts (many of them here) that demand to know whether there are (EEK) gunshots during the performance of every play and musical that opens every year? Because, if there are, you know, I really can’t be subjected to the unexpected aural assault that will stay with me for days.
Do you object to flashing light warnings, as well?
SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting Feb 28
2023, 02:05:36 PM
Boq101 said: "So... any understudies listed?"
Standby for Sweeney is Nicholas Christopher, standby for Lovett and Beggar Woman is Jeanna de Waal.
U/s Sweeney is Paul-Jordan Jansen, Lovett is Delaney Westfall, Anthony/Tobias are Nathan Salstone and Felix Torres-Ponce, Beggar Woman is Mia Pinero, Johanna are Mia Pinero and Delaney Westfall, Judge Turpin are Paul-Jordan Jansen and Stephen Tewksbury, Beadle are Jonathan Christopher and Raymond J. Lee, Pire
SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting Feb 28
2023, 01:19:56 PM
Luminaire2 said: "I think the bigger issue are posters on here declaring the scenic design is a failure, when they haven’t even see the show.
I haven’t heard enough from actual audience members to figure out how effective the design is.
Sets can be simple, and remain incredibly effective. Sets can also be too grand and become a distraction, etc, etc."
I thought the set was great. Certainly on the more minimalist side
SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting Feb 28
2023, 09:36:58 AM
HogansHero said: “And while I am at it, I would say the same thing to those here who have had the opportunity to see the first preview and were more interested in the merch and the bars that the show they bought tickets to see.”
If this is pointed at me, you’ll be delighted to see I also commented on Annaleigh Ashford’s performance as well as answered a question about seating. Perhaps consider that those discussing things like merch felt that others
SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting Feb 27
2023, 11:32:10 PM
GiantsInTheSky2 said: "Merch page is live:"
Thanks for sharing! I'm annoyed that the tote bag is $10 more expensive on the website than in person, especially given I spent the entirety of intermission yesterday bouncing from merch booth to merch booth trying to purchase one. The whole merch/bar/bathroom situation was simply a chaotic mess.
SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting Feb 27
2023, 06:34:37 AM
Ke3 said: "Ashford got most of the preemptive groaning and yet basically every report I've seen here and on Twitter singles out Ashford, Gaten, and Miles while barely mentioning the man in the title role. Is he that boring? I'd had high hopes."
Groban was really good, and I think he’ll probably only get better as he continues to dig into the material. The reason you’re seeing so much about Ashford especially is because she is that damn good. He&rs
SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting Feb 26
2023, 06:20:25 PM
Jesse St. James said: "does anyone know what the best seats would be? Orchestra/Mezz and what rows?"
A lot of action takes place on a balcony so I would recommend front mezz. I was front orchestra and had good sight lines but I would have preferred mezz.
SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting Feb 26
2023, 01:58:57 PM
Jordan Catalano said: "Amazing how these resellers don’t lower their prices before a show anymore and end up just eating the cost of the tickets, rather than make back anything."
It’s very annoying! Yet another reason to hate resellers.
SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting Feb 26
2023, 01:42:42 PM
Decided to try for cancellation as those last few resale tickets on Telecharge are holding steady at simply ridiculous prices.
SWEENEY TODD Revival announces further casting Feb 24
2023, 09:35:47 AM
bholtzinger544 said: "They announced their Rush policy yesterday. They are using Broadway Direct and tickets are $30 each."
That’s lottery, not rush.
Broadway Discounts Jun 13
2022, 03:51:47 PM
Used NYTIX yesterday for $20 off of my ITW ticket. Works on any order over $50 for your first SeatGeek order.
TDF vs. TodayTix Apr 7
2018, 11:24:58 AM
Thanks, everyone! I should have specified, I was looking at the TDF membership. I believe that, since I’m out of state, I can buy a membership for $20 and gain access to those discounts, but I wasn’t sure how good the seats were/how early I could buy them. I’m essentially trying to find a balance between price and planning in advance. TKTS makes me nervous because I’m not a big fan of queueing for tickets day-of (which is why rushing when I only have a few days in the city also
TDF vs. TodayTix Apr 7
2018, 09:57:26 AM
Hello, all.
I'm making my annual trip up to New York mid-June and wanted to save a bit of money this time, as there's only a couple of shows I'm really enthusiastic about seeing. I believe I'm going to buy my tickets to Angels in America and Three Tall Women beforehand, but am willing to wait for discounted tickets for everything else. Is TDF or TodayTix the best option for this? I haven't used either in the past, and would love some guidance.
For reference,
Most enthusiastic audience you have experienced? Feb 17
2018, 09:59:16 AM
As others have said, the closing performance of The Color Purple revival. Pure magic. Honorable mention goes to The Cursed Child-- I was lucky enough to happen to be in London for two nights that happened to be the first preview performances. Every person in that audience was a massive fan, and the genuine gasps and cheers throughout at the stage-magic made the whole performance that much more enjoyable.
HUNCHBACK high school production casting controversy Feb 9
2018, 10:06:14 AM
There's two very different and hard to reconcile arguments to be had in a casting issue like this. First, the tendency for white people to view casting as a white/non-white issue. The idea that whiteness is the norm and all other races and ethnicities are a deviation and thus all belong in the same category is hugely problematic, both within niches like this and one a broader scale. The oppression, stereotypes, and historical subjugation that different races have faced, both in American s
Broadway fans who cross boundaries Jan 21
2018, 06:59:06 PM
I got curious the last time Javier Munoz went on a twitter rant about how uninvolved his followers were and went down the rabbit hole a bit. I read a majority of his @ tag for the days prior, looking for what behavior, exactly, he found so egregious. There was absolutely nothing. People regularly tweet him asking how his day was, or thanking him for being a role model, etc. etc. etc. but a) he doesn't get that many tweets to begin with and b) the ones he does, actually do center on politi
Shows that the you hated the first time, and ended up liking the second time. Jan 17
2018, 08:37:47 AM
When I saw Something Rotten on Broadway, I didn't hate it, but I definitely felt my evening could have been spent at a better production. When I saw it on tour (admittedly with several more drinks in me) I could appreciate it for what it was without wishing it were something else.