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Profile for BroomstickBoy

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Member Name: BroomstickBoy
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Gender: Male
Location: Atlanta

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Rodney Hicks in COME FROM AWAY
 Jul 9 2017, 07:09:57 PM

I know what you're talking about, too. I think it's a vocal tic that he's developed over the years.

I heard his episode of Keith Price's Curtain Call podcast (Caesar Samayoa also did an interview on the podcast), and Rodney had said he has some vocal issues from complications from PTSD. His voice became affected a few years ago, and he's since been working on it through meditation and with a vocal coach to regain his vocal stamina. There's still a stru

THE BOYS IN THE BAND Broadway Revival - Spring 2018?
 Jun 27 2017, 07:54:21 PM

Cast Brandon Uranowitz as Harold or don't even bother.

 Jun 4 2017, 11:00:37 PM

I'm seeing the show on Tuesday, I CANNOT WAIT.


I'm debating on whether or not to visit the stage door afterwards. I'm not a gratuitous person when it comes to meeting people, and I have a lot of feelings about this show and how it's re-invigorated my love for theatre/acting/writing. So if I do, I have NO idea what I would say.

The WIZ LIVE : post your comments and thoughts live during the show here
 Dec 3 2015, 10:30:37 PM

Anyone else think the scene with Queen Latifah was Harvey's subtle way of getting her to come out?

Fancy prison? Living a lie?

The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread
 Jun 7 2015, 08:47:54 PM

Yay for Annaleigh! 

I have a hunch "Something Rotten" men will scoop up the acting awards. 

These two hosts are...really bland.

I was pulling for Max in the Featured category but good for Christian!

Brooklynite, any interest?
 Feb 14 2015, 01:34:50 AM
Does Matt Doyle wear tights in this? That isn't all I care about but it would be a nice perk!
Nicole Scherzinger as Grizabella in CATS
 Feb 14 2015, 01:33:02 AM
Nicole's phrasing is always off. She doesn't know how to let a lyric BREATHE.
Nicole Scherzinger as Grizabella in CATS
 Feb 13 2015, 05:48:13 PM
Beautifully sung, but the most overwrought version I've ever heard. Wringing out every note doesn't make it any more emotional.

Laurie and Betty still sell it best, with an honorable mention to Stephanie J. Block.

Benanti & Radnor to Lead Revival of She Loves Me in 2016!
 Jan 20 2015, 05:48:33 PM
Sidebar : Doesn't Ruthie Henshall look like Laura Osnes in that photo? Good resemblance, I think.

I'm so glad Josh Radnor is doing more musical theater. His speaking voice is pleasant enough and NOW we get to hear him sing more!

Lindsay Lohan wants to play Sally Bowles in CABARET
 Dec 25 2014, 04:38:58 AM
Yeah, right, give Lindsay a legitimate reason to smoke, drink, and do cocaine, and get paid for it.

Joking aside, I think she'd make a really good Sally.

Chester See and Frankie Grande joining Rock of Ages
 Oct 21 2014, 11:38:28 PM
I hate sharing a name with someone who looks like the result of Adam Lambert giving a Constantine look-a-like an unwarranted makeover.
LAST FIVE YEARS Film -- First Reviews from TIFF
 Sep 8 2014, 03:44:17 AM
Her voice is so nasal, her voice is so nasal...HELLO! His is, too, sometimes to a rather irritating degree.
Chicago the Musical Appreciation Thread
 Aug 29 2014, 01:32:26 AM
There was a point where he got really buff, there was even a thread about it, he was huge!

Or maybe he's always looked like that, LOL. Yummy nonetheless.

Chicago the Musical Appreciation Thread
 Aug 28 2014, 07:52:43 PM
Anyone seen "COVERS"? Jason Patrick Sands has surely turned into a big ole' HUNK. I don't remember him being that beefy. I guess Fosse does a body good!
Robin Wlliams has died.
 Aug 12 2014, 12:34:00 AM
His constant struggle with depression gives a whole new meaning to the Genie's line, "PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER!....itty bitty living space."
An American in Paris to open at Palace
 Jul 17 2014, 11:26:24 PM
I always thought Max Von Essen bore a striking resemblance to Gene Kelly. I told him so on Twitter. He took it as a compliment.
Lindsay Lohan in West End's
 Jun 18 2014, 09:43:17 PM
She's been trying for the last 10 years. And failing. She thinks that by staying in the public eye, trying to revise the ideals of relevancy, she is going to get back on track, but really she's just cloying for pity. Pity degrades. Degradation leads to further detachment, and it's straight back to the bottom from there.

You have to go away to have a comeback. She doesn't get that. So many celebrities don't, and that is why their mental illness goes untreated, and that is why she stays

Jasper in Deadland
 Mar 24 2014, 10:05:48 PM
I hope they record this. I'm a huge fan of Allison Scagliotti, who plays Gretchen.
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