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Member Name: lesserworm
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re: Happy birthday, Anthony Rapp!!
 Oct 26 2005, 01:06:01 AM
Happy Birthday, Anthony!!!!! May this be one of so many more. Keep being the awesome actor and person you have been for the past 34 years.
re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
 May 23 2005, 11:33:52 AM
Two of my favorite line mess-ups:

In Harriet the Spy: "Call the police, the national guard, the cavalry, and the...those officers on horseback...the canine unit!" That conjures up an interesting image.

In Captain Blood: The line was actually "Enguard you Spanish scum." But the actor slipped and said, "Enguard you Spanish cum!"

re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
 May 23 2005, 11:30:09 AM
I was in a production of "The First Day: A Middle School Nightmare" (A modern-day version of Dantes Inferno taking place in a middle school,) at the Seattle Children's Theater. I played Virgil, the main character's poet guide through this hell, and during one scene, I was supposed to bring her her class list. During the second performance, I left it offstage. I said "I'll be right back," and ran offstage to get it. I slipped, and fell head-first into a corner of the table being used by "The
re: Anybody here write musicals?
 May 11 2005, 01:31:31 AM

Maybe we should write a musical together. If nothing else, it would be fun.

re: Model Soldier or Civilian?
 May 11 2005, 01:00:28 AM
Here's a simple solution: Buy one, download the other.

Or for a more legal route, iTunes music store has full CD's for cheaper than going to an actual record store.

re: Anybody here write musicals?
 May 10 2005, 11:08:41 AM
I started but never finnished writing a musical version of Spider-man. It would tell the story of Peter Parker meeting Gwen Stacy, the Green Goblin killing her, and Spider-man killing the Green Goblin. (Only those who have read the Spider-man comics know what I'm talking about.) The problem is I tried to write my own music, as I wanted it to be semi-serious. Like I said, I'm crap when it comes to writing music, so I never finished.
re: Anybody here write musicals?
 May 9 2005, 11:39:11 AM
I have written two musicals. Though since I can't write music, all of the songs are parodies of other musical songs. One was a musical version of Super Mario Brothers (the video game, not the movie,) and the other is a parody of 42nd Street (the original, not the revival,) with parodies of all the songs and two versions of a gag on the audition dance.
re: 5 Dream Roles
 May 2 2005, 11:16:56 AM
In no particular order:

1. Seymour: Little Shop of Horrors
2. Cal: The Fix
3. Mark: Rent
4. Frank-N-Furter: The Rocky Horror Show
5. Princeton/Rod: Avenue Q

re: Muppets Tape Manhatten song
 May 2 2005, 11:06:21 AM
You could look on Limewire. Or iTunes probably has it too if you are looking for a more legal route.
Adam Rapp's play
 Apr 25 2005, 11:23:49 AM
I know, I know.
re: The very first original cast recording you bought?
 Apr 25 2005, 11:18:50 AM
That would probably be West Side Story.
Adam Rapp's play
 Apr 25 2005, 11:08:45 AM
Once again, I'm sorry. And also appologise to everyone else for the drivel.
Adam Rapp's play
 Apr 25 2005, 10:58:49 AM
Sorry. All I said was "the bookstore in Queen Anne." Not much information there. Maybe I should have provided more.
Adam Rapp's play
 Apr 25 2005, 10:50:57 AM
I haven't read it yet, but I've heared very much about it. I read the plays in Stone Cold Dead Serious, and loved them all. By the way, Racetrack, it was in Twice Sold Tales.
New Rent Lover
 Mar 17 2005, 01:17:07 AM
So, so very many.
New Rent Lover
 Mar 17 2005, 12:49:55 AM
Rent claims another victim!!!

I'm with Race on the American Idol topic.

re: Help! Need Comedic plays!
 Feb 16 2005, 11:54:35 PM
It's a one-act, but THE ACTOR'S NIGHTMARE.
That's all I can think of right now.

re: Types of Humor in shows?
 Feb 16 2005, 12:56:48 PM
Humor shouldn't be judged on how vulgar the joke is. It should only be one question: Did it make you laugh, or were you just disgusted. If it made you laugh, be proud of it. You saw a show where the writers were intelligent enough to craft a joke you didn't see coming.
re: Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?
 Feb 8 2005, 11:38:01 AM
Personally, I think the Parental Advisory stickers are stupid. If a parent wants to know what's appropriate for their kinds to listen to, they should research the item, and find out what contenet is exactly on the CD. Then, they can decide on thier own terms whether it's appropriate for their kids instead of letting a sticker tell them what to do.

"Contact" is much more tastefull than "You Can Be as Loud as the Hell You Want." And it's not like kids haven't heard the word "****" befo

re: Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?
 Feb 8 2005, 11:37:22 AM
Personally, I think the Parental Advisory stickers are stupid. If a parent wants to know what's appropriate for their kinds to listen to, they should research the item, and find out what contenet is exactly on the CD. Then, they can decide on thier own terms whether it's appropriate for their kids instead of letting a sticker tell them what to do.

"Contact" is much more tastefull than "You Can Be as Loud as the Hell You Want." And it's not like kids haven't heard the word "****" befo

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