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Member Name: ItsRrrrroxanaHere
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Wicked Clone The Cinema Musical
 Sep 29 2017, 05:44:36 PM

You do make a good point. I never thought of that before. You're right; a lot of people might think it's a clone of Wicked when they see the title. I wouldn't want that to happen; people would be missing out on an exciting play that's completely different than Wicked.

Wicked Clone The Cinema Musical
 Sep 29 2017, 09:01:30 AM

To quote Jimmy Buffett: "Don't try to describe the ocean if you've never seen it. Don't try to describe a KISS concert if you've never seen it."


Don't try to describe Wicked Clone if you've never seen it. You might enjoy it! How would you know, unless you actually see it?

Wicked Clone The Cinema Musical
 Sep 28 2017, 10:48:03 PM

gypsy101 said: "what the heck even is Wicked Clone"

The most addicting book in the world. laugh

Wicked Clone The Cinema Musical
 Sep 28 2017, 10:29:47 PM


The Cinema Musical of Wicked Clone definitely did the Cinema Novel justice! I felt like I was really there, in medieval Transylvania, and then in Times Square; just as when I read the novel. And, like the novel, the emotions, suspense, and imagery were INTENSE! ^_^

The Twins’ singing voices demonstrated excellent range, dynamics, vibrato, and advanced “vocal gymnastics." And you could hear the innocence in human Mihaela’s speakin

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