BE MORE CHILL (Broadway) Previews Feb 12
2019, 05:23:49 PM
JSquared2 said: "MauraLovesMusicals said: "to anyone who’s going, can you report to me stagedoor information,like stories and things? i usually have to tell people off for condoning disgusting stanbehavior and they don’t usually let up unless i have a specific story. it’s kind of a weird ask but believe me, they won’t listen otherwise"
So you actually have the power to change the antisocial behavioral patterns of teenage stans simply byquoting
Krystina Alabado To Replace Ashley Park In Mean Girls Feb 12
2019, 01:11:37 PM
JBroadway said: "Interesting choice! I think Alabado is vey good, but she does have very different energy. The times I’ve seen her onstage, she always has a quieter, gentler presence onstage, even when she’s belting her face off. Doesn’t mean she won’t be great, but it’ll be a different take on the role for sure. Hope she has a great run in the show!
You can probably count one hand the number of ticket sales they’ll lose each week becaus
Krystina Alabado To Replace Ashley Park In Mean Girls Feb 12
2019, 12:44:52 PM
Just announced a half and hour ago, any first thoughts from anyone?
personally, i’m a huge fan of ashley, as you can see by my profile, but i’ve really loved krystina in everything she’s done (girl has a resume miles long!) so i trust her with this. the only thing i’m a little nervous about is how this might affect sales. with a lot of people i’ve talked to, one of their main reasons for going was to see ashley. it’s one of the first major replacement too
Pretty Woman - NY Post Page Six - Understudy Saves the Day Feb 12
2019, 12:17:44 PM
as this article is by the post, i think it’s only right to quote john mulaney here. ‘After that, under an angel is a hero. A hero is any man who does his job. You’ll a lot of times see headlines that are like, “Hero Tutor Teaches After School,” and you’re like “Yeah.”’
BE MORE CHILL (Broadway) Previews Feb 12
2019, 12:12:29 PM
to anyone who’s going, can you report to me stagedoor information, like stories and things? i usually have to tell people off for condoning disgusting stan behavior and they don’t usually let up unless i have a specific story. it’s kind of a weird ask but believe me, they won’t listen otherwise
2019, 10:47:40 AM
JoshTodos said: "This is too funny.
Ariana Grande is an amazing singer and actress"
i’m waiting for her to fix that diction and breath support, personally, then maybe
Audition songs Feb 12
2019, 10:45:02 AM
well, what’s the audition for?
Next Jan 6
2019, 04:17:26 PM
SomethingPeculiar said: "I don't think it's a question of ifIN THE HEIGHTS gets revived in the next 2-10 years: it will, and I would put money on Tommy Kail & the original creative team returning (either asa remount or a re-tooled vision). Especially if the film is big and Lin's star keeps rising.
"Hot take" prediction: it re-opens the Palace for a limited (15-20wk) engagement. Or, it could easily do 6-12+ months at a smaller venue like the Nederlander or Atkinson."
the kennedy center production was also a smash hit. i don’t think i even saw a mediocre review of it. and with anthony ramos’s ever increasing film rep (with stuff like ‘a star is born&rsquo , and lin saying himself that anthony was better than himself in the role, i would take the guess that he’ll be in both the movie and the following revival
Fun ideas for presenting tix? Dec 10
2018, 01:02:15 PM
i’m not sure how old your kids are but giving them the tickets in envelopes in the style of the acceptance letters from hogwarts would be cute
Waitress Casting Rumour Dec 10
2018, 12:59:20 PM
i know it will bring up sales with her beloved performance in la la land but i actually really hate this idea.
Where is everyone? Dec 10
2018, 12:39:46 PM
i wish we could all stay here personally (so i can hang out with y’all cause my school blocks reddit) but i understand why.
this has got me all sad now. it always felt like a family over here, we were toxic and sarcastic and over dramatic but there was always a sense of respect. i definitely haven’t been here long but y’all were fun and it was cool, getting to have different opinions outside of stan twitter.
Where is everyone? Dec 10
2018, 11:56:28 AM
i literally had my friend change by bww password to something else so i could study for my exams and then something big goes down and i miss it.
Revivals That Missed The Mark Dec 10
2018, 11:12:27 AM
JSquared2 said: "MauraLovesMusicals said: "i forgot to mention but basically all of the ?a chorus line’ revivals, concerts, benefit performances, etc. have all been drab and so uniform. the one at lincoln center was the straw the broke the camels back for me. the only thing i liked was that tommy bracco was in itbecause i love seeing italian americans in the media playing something other than a stereotype."
I think you mean City Center
Revivals That Missed The Mark Dec 10
2018, 10:19:49 AM
i forgot to mention but basically all of the ‘a chorus line’ revivals, concerts, benefit performances, etc. have all been drab and so uniform. the one at lincoln center was the straw the broke the camels back for me. the only thing i liked was that tommy bracco was in it because i love seeing italian americans in the media playing something other than a stereotype.
First Cast Album Dec 10
2018, 10:11:30 AM
technically, it was wicked for me but if we’re talking about cast albums i listened to out of my own volition, then it was thoroughly modern millie.
Revivals That Missed The Mark Dec 6
2018, 02:02:44 PM
i was recently talking with a friend about revivals that we just absolutely hate. not that we hate the original show, far from it, but there were things that the revival did that just ruined the overall experience of the show. so, i pass the question off to all y’all. what’s a revival that completely butchered the original show, whether it’s in changes to the original material, an awful set, gaudy costumes. basically, whatever ruined the experience for you
Legally Blonde: The Musical Dec 6
2018, 01:56:16 PM
JSquared2 said: "Uh oh. I guess the children are offfor their winter break."
if so, i’m jealous! i don’t get off till the 20th
Upcoming Waitress cast replacements? Dec 6
2018, 01:29:14 PM
Catsbroadwayfan said: "It’s not a new jenna. They would need press shots and photos for her, and a big thing.
It would make sense to buy out Alex and Leanne, cause lets face it, who’s really going to see them.
Bring in Kimiko and Chris, see if that does a bump.
Or the most logical thought, it’s sarah and they close in januaray"
but they need a new jenna. they either announce a new one or announce that stephanie is ta
Upcoming Waitress cast replacements? Dec 6
2018, 01:26:58 PM
theaterlyfe19 said: "This is a random totally based off of nothing really thought but...Laura Osnes and Corey Cott?"
i highly doubt it. the post seems to be saying that the two have been in the show together before. and i know laura had auditioned to be jenna before but it seems a little too random
Upcoming Waitress cast replacements? Dec 6
2018, 01:17:47 PM
Catsbroadwayfan said: "Where are you guys getting “pair” from??! It was no where in the BWW article. Mabye it was a typo.
Also, they would announce jenna first, not ogie”
in the post on instagram, they refer to “two diner bffs coming back”. they also need a new jenna cause nicolette is bowing out in a few days. maybe jessie mueller is coming back, though a friend told me that an usher said that jessie called understud