Angels In America in ATLANTA Feb 8
2018, 09:32:44 PM
re: Is Piazza that good? Dec 20
2011, 11:48:12 AM
just had to bump this in memory of GLEBB ... he loved this show so much <3
re: Amazing Piazza pet slide show Dec 20
2011, 11:36:56 AM
i miss LIGHT IN THE PIAZZA ... and i'm so glad this link still works!
2008, 09:49:59 PM
this is really sad news i will now treasure my CDs all the more.
re: Ralph Macchio in HT$ Feb 20
2008, 02:34:35 PM
i remember enjoying the show very much and thought he did a fine job :)
re: A note about refunds - Outrageous. Nov 10
2007, 03:59:01 PM
c'est le guerre
re: Who should play Eve Harrington opposite Christine Ebersole's Margo Chan Aug 3
2007, 11:55:52 PM
as much as i love ebersole, i think she's miscast. i say put kathleen turner in there ... "hurry baaahhhck, hurry baaaahhhck"
re: What You'll Miss the Most About City Center's GYPSY Aug 3
2007, 11:49:40 PM
i gotta third YAZBECK's performance as tulsa ... he made me melt. and i loved when mama and herb embraced and fell on the floor.
re: The 'Official' Good-Bye thread to the Edies (GREY GARDENS) Jul 29
2007, 09:30:35 PM
it was fantastic. i had never been to a closing before. ebersole's initial appearance stopped the show with a standing ovation. her voice was heaven this afternoon. everyone was great. i was particularly impressed with erin davie's performance, which has grown SO much since november. composer scott frankel spoke during the final curtain call. since we are going back home tomorrow, we were considering seeing another show tonite, but it just would not have been right. we are still riding
re: The 'Official' Good-Bye thread to the Edies (GREY GARDENS) Jul 29
2007, 09:04:16 PM
i saw GG back in november, and it was a privilege for this atlantan to be able to return to nyc for the final performance today. i have to agree: the closing of GG is the most disgusting and atrocious thing to ever happen on broadway. sigh.
re: What I Loved About The Little Dog Laughed Jul 25
2007, 12:32:36 AM
thanks for the tip! :)
re: Places to stay in NY? Jul 24
2007, 11:27:51 PM
we have been frantic to find an affordable flight/hotel for this weekend and JUST got one of TRAVELOCITY's "last minute" deals, staying at the INTERCONTINENTAL BARCLAY.
re: GREY GARDENS closes in 6 days :( Jul 24
2007, 09:32:43 PM
i've got tickets to sunday's show that i may have to sell. EDIT ... we found a last-minute deal to nyc on travelocity, so we'll be using the tix afterall!
re: Wow! GREY GARDENS is finally closing this weekend! Jul 24
2007, 09:29:47 PM
i've got two tickets to sunday's performance that i might have to sell ... EDIT ... we just found an affordable trip thru tavelocity, so we're using the tix afterall!
re: Naked Boys Singing-Provincetown Jul 12
2007, 02:06:20 AM
i've been wanting to see NBS again!
re: Coco: Did anyone see it? Jul 9
2007, 12:01:56 AM
i love the OCR ... but only because KATE and RENE are on it ... the material itself is not so great. (although some of it grows on you after a while!)
re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me. Jul 8
2007, 02:50:34 AM
we definitely need to have a bww gathering when the final curtain goes down!
re: Christine Ebersole dissapointed me. Jul 8
2007, 02:24:24 AM
i saw the show in november and thought she was great. but i must say i didn't fully appreciate her performance until i saw the documentary. then i realized she had that woman down totally! i'm paying quite a bit to go back to nyc to see the closing performance, so it better be good! :) btw ... what the hell is PHONING a performance??
re: What are YOU doing 7/29? Jul 2
2007, 08:22:48 PM
count me in on the GG crowd :) hey, let's have a BWW gathering right after!
re: Why was the Grey gardens will close 7/29 got deleted again but its offi Jul 2
2007, 06:16:03 PM
just got tickets to the closing performance. can't wait :)