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Member Name: Etcy
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re: Does anybody else want a wedding reception like this?
 Aug 13 2008, 10:27:00 AM
omg I loved that so much!!! That was the sweetest thing someone could do! wow...I want that for my wedding!!!!


re: Bringing a newbie to Broadway...any show suggestions??
 Aug 12 2008, 01:33:59 PM

I think that would be a great idea...however, if I did, I'd probably take him to see Legally Blonde...which I don't think would go over very well. That, and I'd like to go see something I haven't seen either.

Living in Florida I don't get many opportunities to get up there and see new shows, so I'm always looking for a new experience :)

re: Bringing a newbie to Broadway...any show suggestions??
 Aug 12 2008, 10:21:59 AM
Thank you all so much for your suggestions!!

As to him, he's more into Rock than hip-hop, and he's really putting his learning of musicals into my hands (a little bit of a nerve racking experience..I could ruin him! lol)

I didn't even think of Wicked...if I can afford tickets to that I think that might be the best choice: comedy, amazing music, all the spectacle in the world, and Kendra is there right now :) lol!

I'd NEVER EVER in my life take him to see Phantom...I saw it and nearly fell asleep (I would have if it weren't for their bass system!). For those that love Phantom, I'm sorry but it was the most boring thing I've ever seen. Not to mention the Phantom looked like a muppet when he was singing lol!

I think we'll walk around and I'll try out some Rush lines or try last minute (we're on kinda a tight budget..then again who isn't?)

So yeah thank you again for all you're input! I'll update you after the trip and let you know how it went!

Me and my handsome man (Tyson)

re: Bringing a newbie to Broadway...any show suggestions??
 Aug 11 2008, 02:48:48 PM

THe problem with beautiful productions like South Pacific or Gypsy, is that people who aren't very familiar with theatre, for the most part, won't appreciate the history behind it.

I think something like Spamalot, Spring Awakening (maybe?), or Young Frankenstein may do well for him. Thank you all so much for your input! It really helped!

re: Bringing a newbie to Broadway...any show suggestions??
 Aug 11 2008, 01:15:29 PM
I did think of Spamalot, that's on teh top of my list...Avenue Q would normally be good for newbies, but I've personally seen so many times lol
Bringing a newbie to Broadway...any show suggestions??
 Aug 11 2008, 01:11:01 PM
Hey everyone!!

I'm heading to NYC Sept 18th - 21st, and bringing my Boyfriend who has never been to New York and has never seen a musical. Now he really wants to learn more abuot them and I would love to take him to a show, but I didn't know which one to take him too.

Preferably something comedic, that would be enjoyable to someone not too familiar with theatre.

Any suggestions??


Audition assistance :)
 Jul 28 2008, 01:06:22 PM
Hey guys!

So when I usually do auditions I go to my vocal coach to hear the music and practice, but I've been sans a vocal coach recently and that's who I've depended on, since I don't play piano

However, I remember hearing about a guy in NYC who set up a website where you can send him the sheet music via email and he'll record it for you to practice with for a fee.....has anyone else heard of this and know the website?

I've been searching for hours and don't know

re: Songs of woe and suffering - saddest Broadway songs
 Feb 15 2008, 09:02:33 PM
Cages or Wings - Tick Tick Boom
Legally Blonde from Legally Blonde
Still Hurting - L5Y
Nobody Needs to Know - L5Y
How Did We Come To This - Wild Party (Lippa)
Make Me Happy - Wild Party (Lippa)
I Know Where I've Been - Hairspray
Everything That I Am - Tarzan
Times Like This - Lucky Stiff

I know there's more! Good luck!


re: Legally Blonde Audition Info
 Jan 10 2008, 11:51:51 PM
oh thank you thank you thank you! lol :)


Legally Blonde Audition Info
 Jan 10 2008, 11:42:46 PM

So I know that someone posted the info on the LB auditions taking place in Orlando...but that post seems to have either dissapeared or has been deleted (why?)

Does anyone have a link to any info on it? I've been looking EVERYWHERE and have been hard pressed to find anything

Anything would be GREATLY appreciated!!


re: BWW Announces Winners of 'GIVE US YOUR VOICE' Disney's THE LITTLE MERMA
 Dec 8 2007, 12:19:18 PM
well I for one want to say thank you to the entire team for holding this contest! It was a lot of fun....and cut-throat so it seems lol :)

Everyone did a fantastic job and whoever won deserved it :)

Thanks for everyone who voted for me! I appreciate it!


re: Buffy Off Broadway
 Nov 27 2007, 12:14:48 AM


Buffy Off Broadway
 Nov 26 2007, 09:50:37 PM
Hey guys!

Has anyone heard or seen anything about an Off Broadway production of Buffy the Vampire Slayer? I think I remember hearing something about it not too long ago, but I know nothing else....

Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!


re: Books about Broadway...
 Nov 25 2007, 10:57:54 AM
I'm actually reading Makin It On Broadway right now! lol it's an awesome book!

There was also an autobiography by Jeffry Denman called "A Year with the Producers: One Actor's Exhausting (But Worth It) Journey from Cats to Mel Brooks' Mega-Hit" .... it was really enjoyable! His story on how he actually got the part in the Producers was awesome and hysterical!


re: Books about Broadway...
 Nov 25 2007, 10:57:38 AM
I'm actually reading Makin It On Broadway right now! lol it's an awesome book!

There was also an autobiography by Jeffry Denman called "A Year with the Producers: One Actor's Exhausting (But Worth It) Journey from Cats to Mel Brooks' Mega-Hit" .... it was really enjoyable! His story on how he actually got the part in the Producers was awesome and hysterical!


re: 'Me & My Girl' - did anyone see it at The Marquis Theatre?
 Nov 23 2007, 12:24:13 PM
Unfortunately I didn't get to see the original production but I've been in a production of it as Lady Jaqueline Carstone!! So much fun! One of my favorite roles! It was such a good show!

Later on in the year I met the man who originated Bill Sinbson (Robert Lindsay)!! He saw us perform Lambeth Walk! It was surreal!!


re: Enter BWW's 'Give Us Your Voice' - THE LITTLE MERMAID Contest
 Nov 20 2007, 12:13:16 PM
I totally agree with everything said about the first page theory... people who have no connection to the contest really aren't going to have the patience to go through 7 pages of people to find their that means people on the 7th page (me ) are going to be at a HUGE disadvantage, unfortunately

But on a good note, thank you Craig for keeping us up to date on everything that is going on and communicating on our concerns :) Very helpful and professional of you!


re: Enter BWW's 'Give Us Your Voice' - THE LITTLE MERMAID Contest
 Nov 19 2007, 10:12:24 PM
actually someone already has 1170! rediculous...I'm a little jealous...I want more friends!!


re: Enter BWW's 'Give Us Your Voice' - THE LITTLE MERMAID Contest
 Nov 19 2007, 09:45:21 PM
thanks for the mention ArieLauren2!

It's a little frustrating but what can we do?


re: Enter BWW's 'Give Us Your Voice' - THE LITTLE MERMAID Contest
 Nov 19 2007, 09:11:22 PM
I totally agree with all of you...there was a contest a couple of months ago on where people did the same may not be the contestant themselves cheating but some random person trying to cause havoc...people will find a way around any system....

And yes...I need more friends too! lol :)


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