Kennedy Center FOLLIES to Transfer to Broadway's Marquis Theater This Summe Jun 17
2011, 11:30:37 AM
I'd love to see this production extend and perhaps transfer to another theater if necessary! Congratulations to the cast, hope this own succeeds! Good Lord knows the Marquis needs it!
BROADWAY CLOSINGS - call it! Jun 8
2011, 12:25:27 AM
I think Mary Poppins will still stay afloat for a year or two more. If The Addams Family doesn't start selling better I could see it closing in January 2012 with Aladdin opening there, or perhaps one of their other projects.
Another show help thread Jun 7
2011, 04:00:00 PM
Thank you for the help! I've heard rave reviews about Book of Mormon, I know someone who has seen it 14 times and counting..Normal Heart looks great as well! Thank you!
Another show help thread Jun 7
2011, 03:45:19 PM
Alright, well I'll be flying up to Boston to stay with some family members for a few weeks during my time off, so a NYC trip is necessary for this boy. I'll be going on a two show day. I've been out of the loop recently and have a few shows in mind however seeing as many of you all have seen some of these shows I thought I'd throw it out there on what you all thought I should see? What would you see if you had a 2 show day? I'd really like to see Sister Act and Catch Me if You
HAIR is Coming Back to Broadway; Tour to Play St. James July 5 - September 10 Apr 13
2011, 11:42:58 AM
I hope the show is widely successful during it's engagement back on Broadway
What Shows Are Going Non-Equity for 11/12? Apr 5
2011, 09:28:33 PM
On the South Pacific website it mentions that this new production is "based off of the 2008 Lincoln Center Revival" as well as it does in the video montage. I wonder how much NETworks is going to butcher this as well as Young Frankenstein and Shrek. I also noticed that Mary Poppins was on the NETworks site. Does that mean it's going non equity or just labeled as a producer?
I miss the man in the chair Apr 5
2011, 02:53:01 PM
My best bet is that it'll play at the St. James Theatre, just sayin' The San Diego tour stop of HAIR has also been pushed back from July to October... :)
The Official BABY, IT'S YOU Thread Apr 4
2011, 04:23:08 PM
realistically, mostly everything was down this week.
Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 4/3 Apr 4
2011, 03:43:51 PM
Honestly, everything was pretty bad this week.
PPAC 2011-2012 Season? Apr 4
2011, 02:09:38 PM
Does anyone happen to know when Providence's 2011-2012 season will be announced? I know some people who work at the theater and they've heard nothing either...
Adrienne Arsht Center (Miami) 2011-12 Season Announced Mar 29
2011, 12:25:40 PM
seems similar to the New Orleans season. Thank goodness I'm moving to Boston
What Shows Are Going Non-Equity for 11/12? Mar 20
2011, 04:12:54 PM
BUMP. Is West Side Story going non equity? I would assume that a show such as that sells great on the road, as it did in my town.
Kathy Griffin's Playbill Bio Mar 12
2011, 05:12:25 PM
Oh my goodness, that was the best biography ever! "Spiderman: Turn Off the Dark! (stuntwomen, fired)
In The Heights NASHVILLE Ticket contest Mar 12
2011, 01:43:32 PM
It does. People really take their season's for granted. It could always be worse. New Orleans season is announced tomorrow.
What Shows Are Going Non-Equity for 11/12? Mar 11
2011, 08:44:35 PM
Non-Equity this July? Wow, that's quick
What Shows Are Going Non-Equity for 11/12? Mar 8
2011, 04:39:47 PM
Wow, that's a bit..much. And Memphis is seriously a SETA? Wow. So, I'm guessing Rock Of Ages 1st Tour will be closing and reopening with a non-equity cast? Or will be there 2 tours, with the non-equity tour visiting smaller venues?
2011- 2012 National Tours Mar 8
2011, 01:54:12 PM
these tours need to go away and take a breather.
What Shows Are Going Non-Equity for 11/12? Mar 8
2011, 01:25:36 PM
Shrek will be SETA by 2012 I believe. A stripped down smaller version will tour. I've heard numerous rumors around my town that Baton Rouge will get the tour, which is a city that only houses 1 night engagements of non-eq (Mammia Mia is SETA)
2011- 2012 National Tours Mar 5
2011, 02:04:01 PM
maybe it'll preview at TUTS? I'd like to see it preview in CT, like it did for the other productions.
2011- 2012 National Tours Mar 5
2011, 12:40:04 PM
That's so depressing. I just don't understand why Emerson wouldn't want Broadway shows to tour at their theater? They are definitely hosting 9 to 5, so I'm assuming they're presenting their own shows now. Unless 9 to 5's tour is ending soon due to bad sales, which I wouldn't be surprised about... EDIT: Hair will continue it's Equity tour at LEAST throughout Spring 2012.