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Profile for OCUStripped2

Member Name: OCUStripped2
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OCUSTRIPPED Announces New Musicals Selections
 Nov 21 2010, 09:52:02 PM
OCUStripped, Oklahoma City University’s student-run musical theatre organization announces the selections for their New Musicals Project. OCUStripped received a record 26 submissions from the US, UK, and Denmark. Shows will be presented on February 5 and 6, 2011.

Placebo, by University of Michigan students Danny Aabosch and Joshua Borths follows the story of two brothers persuade their town to purchase what they claim to be a miracle pill, invented by their late father

Oklahoma City University New Musicals Project STILL SEEKING SUBMISSIONS! (Deadline Oct 31)
 Oct 14 2010, 10:35:37 AM
OCU Stripped, the student-run musical theatre organization at Oklahoma City University is currently accepting submissions of new musical theater works for a series of free performances at Oklahoma City University in February 2011.

45-minute, semi-staged excerpts will be presented from three different musicals in two free performances at OCU’s Petree Recital Hall with actors chosen from the performing arts student body. We are looking for completed scores and scripts. You may choose to s

Oklahoma City University New Musicals Projects Seeks Submissions
 Sep 18 2010, 12:06:14 AM
OCU Stripped, the student-run musical theatre organization at Oklahoma City University is currently accepting submissions of new musical theater works for a series of free performances at Oklahoma City University in February 2011.

45-minute, semi-staged excerpts will be presented from three different musicals in two free performances at OCU’s Petree Recital Hall with actors chosen from the performing arts student body. We are looking for completed scores and scripts. You may choose to

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