Tony Award Performances? Jun 5
2014, 01:57:01 PM
Thanks! Another quick question. Do the shows re-build set pieces for the Tonys? Does the show or CBS pay for this?
Tony Award Performances? Jun 5
2014, 01:38:53 PM
Hi all, any guesses (or confirmations) about which numbers each show will perform on Sunday night?
LAST FIVE YEARS Movie Q&A---Ask Away! Dec 16
2013, 09:25:11 AM
The Schmuel Song was probably the standout and packed a punch that was missing from the rest of the movie. Summer in Ohio was fun as well.
LAST FIVE YEARS Movie Q&A---Ask Away! Dec 15
2013, 10:41:25 PM
They don't. Subtle hair changes on Anna and plot points (engagement versus a big fight versus happy first time having sex). It all sort of bleeds together.
LAST FIVE YEARS Movie Q&A---Ask Away! Dec 15
2013, 10:34:46 PM
LAST FIVE YEARS Movie Q&A---Ask Away! Dec 15
2013, 10:21:22 PM
Yes, I imagine the timeline would be hard to follow a bit for someone not familiar with the show. I felt like the film could fill in the gaps of the show, but it doesn't. Sherie plays a casting director for a show Anna is auditioning for. Very small brief cameo. Anna and Jeremy often sing to each other, but we occasionally drift off into this (very uneven) dream world where they two pass each other/sing to each other without the other person really being there. It's as clunky as it soun
LAST FIVE YEARS Movie Q&A---Ask Away! Dec 15
2013, 09:52:35 PM
Wrapping this up in 10 mins unless there are any more questions....
LAST FIVE YEARS Movie Q&A---Ask Away! Dec 15
2013, 09:36:01 PM
No problem! I do think low budgets can actually yield challenging and artistic results. The main issue here is that the show as written (and as conceived/directed here) does not translate on screen.
LAST FIVE YEARS Movie Q&A---Ask Away! Dec 15
2013, 09:32:27 PM
I imagine Sh-K-Boom will release the album since they (through Sherie) are executive producers. As stated in previous posts, the film has been edited but now needs to sell to a distributor. That hasn't happened yet so there is no release date for the film or soundtrack.
LAST FIVE YEARS Movie Q&A---Ask Away! Dec 15
2013, 09:30:59 PM
Anna and Jeremy are, as you'd expect, at the center of the film. There are many extras who fill out the cast but very few are audible or even visible for more than a few seconds. Ashley Spencer makes a few appearances as does the actress playing Jamie's agent/publisher etc. The cinematography tries to compensate for the lack of movement and intensity in the direction. Unfortunately, it's too much and too little too late. Lots of tracking and steadicam shots that aim to bring us closer t
LAST FIVE YEARS Movie Q&A---Ask Away! Dec 15
2013, 09:25:55 PM
She was charming in select moments, but if that ^ is your general impression of her, you will not enjoy this.
LAST FIVE YEARS Movie Q&A---Ask Away! Dec 15
2013, 09:22:40 PM
He sure does. Quite a few times! The sex scenes are pretty funny throughout. Lots of bra-on, movement-less sex.
LAST FIVE YEARS Movie Q&A---Ask Away! Dec 15
2013, 09:00:46 PM
It is completely sung through. There is occasional dialogue throughout and I personally felt the film could have used more--something to differentiate it from the stage production and to make it feel cinematic and give it some voice and tone. And somethingwicked, they actually mentioned it is not a locked picture but you're right, not much will change between this and a final version. It is common for distributors and studios to make alterations when coming on board an independent project like t
LAST FIVE YEARS Movie Q&A---Ask Away! Dec 15
2013, 08:56:55 PM
I'd also like to add that this was a family and friends' screening--so beware raves and shills
LAST FIVE YEARS Movie Q&A---Ask Away! Dec 15
2013, 08:54:46 PM
At this point, the plan will be to finish editing the film and then shop it around to various studios and distributors. This film will never, ever get a wide release but the producers will hope for engagements in select cities etc. Jeremy Jordan was phenomenal. Was totally engaging and has an absolutely stellar voice and presence. Anna was impressive at parts but both actors were limited by a rather static and unimaginative telling of this story. This is a piece that, when simply ploppe
LAST FIVE YEARS Movie Q&A---Ask Away! Dec 15
2013, 08:47:40 PM
Yes, I'm putting together my thoughts now and will post later. Questions for now?
LAST FIVE YEARS Movie Q&A---Ask Away! Dec 15
2013, 08:42:39 PM
Hey all--just saw the L5Y movie screening in NYC and will happily answer your questions about it. Fire away
Pippin Reviews! Apr 25
2013, 06:22:03 PM
Pippin review thread! Post 'em if you got 'em.
Pippin previews start tomorrow Apr 6
2013, 01:30:02 PM
Oh...not really a spoiler since every interview she's done has talked about the physical aspect, etc.
Pippin previews start tomorrow Apr 6
2013, 01:21:23 PM