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Once Upon a One More Time to Marquis
 Jan 17 2020, 12:38:07 AM

B.JAMES said: "I really have nothing useful to add to what was already said. I will say however, I am a huge Britney fan. I am 31 years old and she was a HUGE part of my childhood. As a theater fan as well, this has me extremely excited. It may bomb, who knows. But I am honestly ready for a fun night out with my friends to relive a huge part of our lives.

Also, as a theater fan, I admit that I am one of the people who often complainedabout jukebox and bio-musicals. But I a

August Tickets
 Jan 10 2020, 05:22:19 PM

dramamama611 said: "The only one I can see being problematic would be Flying Over Sunset - I think that's going to be a HARRRD sell."


August Tickets
 Jan 10 2020, 11:59:03 AM

dramamama611 said: "A show by show thing. Which show(s) are you looking at?"

Lion King and Phantom for my friend, which aren't a big deal since I doubt they're closing any time soon. But JLP and Cursed Child don't have anything past Jul/early Aug. And then crossing my fingers Virginia Woolf or Flying Over Sunset extend.

August Tickets
 Jan 9 2020, 05:14:31 PM

When should I expect tickets for late August to go on sale. A lot of the newer shows already have tickets but I'm taking a first-timer with me and there's some of the older shows I'm gonna take them to see and they only have tix  till early August at the latest. Just curious if there was a time period that they usually come out or if it's more of a show by show thing

Into the Woods tonight at Town Hall
 Jul 9 2019, 06:43:12 PM

What happened with Alice's shoes? I heard one or part of one flew off into the audience?

Falsettos Tour Cast
 Dec 4 2018, 11:36:06 PM

schubox said: "Call_me_jorge said: "They are OPENING in SF, but previewing in the cities prior and teching in AR"

So will they run through this like a normal show? Should I expect stoppages? I saw the revival on Broadway and it's not a super technical show. Just wondering if I should lower my expectations for the AR show I have tickets to

It will be more like final dress rehearsals. Running the show each night to make final little t

Falsettos Tour Cast
 Dec 4 2018, 06:34:49 PM

LizzieCurry said: "Will3700, they're not rehearsing it with any other cast..."

So the Dallas production should have the same cast? A friend of mine was confused since the Playbill article says the official start is the LA engagement and it's running in Dallas before that. I bought a ticket today just in case cause I love me some Eden Espinosa. 

Funny Girl Broadway Revival? Lady gaga?
 Oct 9 2018, 06:57:16 PM

BJR said: "faceleg said: "Kad said: "Rosie is just Secreting this out into the world."

Yeah she used to do that all the time on her talk show. I mostly remember her trying to get rumors started that she was gonna be in the movie version of Chicago with Madonna. This was years before the actual movie happened

She was attached. At that time, the cast was Madonna and Goldie Hawn, but there was no director attached. When Nichol

What is with all the bad musicals recently
 Oct 9 2018, 06:55:12 PM

One person's Carrie the Musical is another person's Hamilton

Funny Girl Broadway Revival? Lady gaga?
 Oct 8 2018, 08:40:43 PM

Kad said: "Rosie is just Secreting this out into the world."

Yeah she used to do that all the time on her talk show. I mostly remember her trying to get rumors started that she was gonna be in the movie version of Chicago with Madonna. This was years before the actual movie happened

A Star Is Born review. WOW!
 Oct 8 2018, 08:36:10 PM

broadfan327 said: "The current Oscar rule is only a maximum of two songs from a movie can be nominated for Best Original Song."

Isn't there a new rule that you can't send just the song out anymore, that you can only send it as part of the movie or something like that? I remember that being brought up when Remember Me won last year since it worked much better as part of the story than as a stand alone song, unlike This Is Me. 

Lady Gaga-Funny Girl-WOW
 Oct 8 2018, 08:33:21 PM

Yeah, remember on her talk show she used to spread rumors of being in the movie version of Chicago to try an make it happen? Well before the movie version ever came out?

A Star Is Born review. WOW!
 Oct 5 2018, 08:20:48 PM

CT2NYC said: "Overall, I thought the movie was good, but I enjoyed the first half much more. I found the scenes chronicling Ally'smeteoric rise to be very by-the-numbers and underdeveloped, with no clear length of thetimeline. Was it weeks, months, a year? That might not matter to some, but it did to me.Also, Gaga's reactions to certain events during the second half seemedcontrived.

A Star Is Born review. WOW!
 Oct 4 2018, 09:54:42 PM

BrodyFosse123 said: "I don't know if there were any nods to Streisand tho. Overall it was an enjoyable if not a little heartbreaking time at the theater.

Streisand won an Oscar for Best Song for co-writing the song “Evergreen.”

I know, but I don't know if there were any nods to Streisand in the new film like there was for Judy.

 Oct 4 2018, 08:29:20 PM

DrowsyKaye said: "BroadwayConcierge said: "Crap. Laurie Metcalf is probably the only actress who could prompt me to buy a ticket to see a Hillary Clinton play. Might give into this one."

I promise you it's not a "Hillary Clinton play." It's more a "women in politicsplay" if anything.

Yeah, when they did it here in Dallas, they had a black woman play Hillary. 

A Star Is Born review. WOW!
 Oct 4 2018, 08:26:07 PM

Disclaimer: I've never seen any version of A Star is Born.

I enjoyed this film much more than I thought I would. It hits a lot of great notes, and has some amazing performances (Sam Elliott for best supporting please). I really do think Cooper could win best actor, he was superb. Gaga was......capable? IDK I wasn't blown away, but I do think she did a great job (I got super emotional during the scene where he pulls her on stage). I also was glad they had a small nod to Garland

Little Shop of Horrors
 Sep 24 2018, 07:50:36 PM

Theater_Nerd said: "I know it's only a concert and as much as I dolove her, Megan Hilty, at this pointis typecast as the "dumb blonde/blonde bombshell". From what I can decipher she's gotten the opportunity to step out of that kind of role once or twice - but for the most part that's all she's been known to play.

She can do "Audrey" in her sleep at this point. It's not much of a stretch for her.

I really would like to see

Cut Songs from Lion King
 Sep 24 2018, 07:47:18 PM

Rafiki Mourns was in the Playbill when I saw the tour in June, just under a different name.

Inappropriately Amusing Revival Concepts
 Sep 17 2018, 10:13:37 PM

One woman Funny Girl, where Fanny has lost it and is in a padded cell with Nicky Arnstein scrawled all over the walls. 

Shows that require adjustments made to touring venues.
 Aug 29 2018, 07:04:25 PM

SomethingPeculiar said: "faceleg said: "A teacher I has swore she saw a tour of Dolly that was done in the round?"

A Channing tour? It's surely been done in the round at places like Sacramento Music Circus or North Shore Music Theatre or the Marriott Lincolnshire, but there are virtually no in-the-round touring theatres in the US.

It may have been like maybe a one off production with Channing. She says it was her, because Channing h

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