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Member Name: ValeriaR
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Sony Hall Jeremy Jordan and Ashley Spencer's show questions
 Aug 12 2018, 05:11:08 PM

At the end, the place had a lot of rows of tables with chairs and there were only two rows in the back for standing tickets.

The place had the vibes of a bar, and you could order something to eat or drink while seeing the show.

By the way, Jeremy Jordan and Ashley Spencer were terrific.

Best understudy you've ever seen?
 Aug 12 2018, 05:03:21 PM

In 2014 I saw Les Mis and Aaron Walpole blew my mind with his Jean Valjean. I remember that when he sung Bring Him Home the audience kept applauding for at least 3 minutes. It was amazing. His performance and his singing was so humble and yet so powerful.

Reccently I found a video of him singing that song!
(Of couse, live was even better)

Sony Hall Jeremy Jordan and Ashley Spencer's show questions
 Jul 10 2018, 07:33:31 PM

melora said: "It’s really a mystery. Sony Hall is new. Some shows have standing space and others only chairs. Please report back with your observations."

Oh..ok, I didn't know that. Thanks for answering!
Maybe if someone is going to the show the 16th he or she can tell us how it was.

Sony Hall Jeremy Jordan and Ashley Spencer's show questions
 Jul 8 2018, 11:52:58 AM

I have tickets for the Jeremy Jordan and Ashley Spencer “Starring opposite you” show for the 17th of July. I have two questions, I hope that you can help me:

1) The show starts at 7:00 PM but it says that “Sony Hall is a first come, first seated venue. Arrive early for the best seats!” It also says that they’ll open doors at 6:00 PM. How early do you think I should get there to have decent seats?

I’m going to NYC as a holiday trip, so I don’t want to be in a line for a long time, but at the same time the tickets were expensive for me so I don’t want to be seated in a bad seat, having a poor view.

2) I’ve never been to the Sony Hall, and I’m not sure about the seating map I found here:

I got general admission seated tickets, where would you recommend me to sit?
(I’m not sure which ones are the vip tickets, but I think that the standing room tickets are only the last row of points, right?)

Thanks in advance for your answer! laugh

Discounts in July?
 Apr 3 2018, 10:07:15 PM

Thank you all for answering ! It is good to know that the discounts will keep appearing.

I want to see Anastasia, Waitress and Phantom of the Opera. I think that the hardest one of the three to get discounts is Anastasia, right?

I’ve never done the rush tickets... how much time before the box office opens you have to be there? Because I’m planning to tour the city too (and I’m going with my brother, whom I don’t think we’ll be very excited to wait with me, haha).

Thanks again for your help!

Discounts in July?
 Apr 2 2018, 10:30:14 AM

I’m travelling to NY this July and I’m planning on seeing as many Broadway shows as I can (for that I need to get discounts!).

I saw that in this moment there are discount codes in several shows, but they last through the end of May in most cases. Do you think that there will be discounts for July also? I mean, if I wait to buy the tickets, is it likely that new discounts appear for that month?

I’m asking because I don’t know if July is considere

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