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re: HELP!!
 Jan 26 2005, 07:23:16 PM
You know what just forget it, thats why I knew I shoudve just kept the idea to myself instead of trusting some strangers that I thought I could relate to, to give me a little more support then just some insults, and a few laughs. But its o.k I wont stop working on my play I just wont talk to, you guys about it.

But I am currently working on another play that I want you guy's opinion on. Its called ''The Nine''.

re: HELP!!
 Jan 26 2005, 02:04:49 PM
Well, theres plenty comedy.Just wait, a few more years and Ill have it all worked out. It will be something to see, belive me.Its not confusing, whats so hard to understand about a play/musical where wwII ends in 1955 and people just forget becuase nothing was passed down, and all the records were destroyed. And theres one survivor of the war era who idolizes over Hitler and wants his legacey to live on in him. Oh and I admit in my dream all I saw was a Hitler looking man singing opera he sange
re: HELP!!
 Jan 26 2005, 01:28:30 PM
Well, thanks for your honest responses.I think i'll keep the title the same, because using ''Springtime for Hitler'' might get me into some legal issues. Oh and I am currently in highschool still,senior.So I take history class, and found out that when Japan was hit with the atomic bomb the first time they didnt surrender, when they were hit for a second time, most Japanese didnt want to surrender but they finally did. Besides its an imaginary story, dont take it so literally. Oh and its not Eva
 Jan 25 2005, 10:07:22 PM
I am very intrested in a career as a playwrite/film-maker, and I have an idea for a movie/play and I am very embarassed to tell anyone,because the concept is pretty over-the-top, and I think it may offend, and just sound stupid.Well, my idea for the play/movie is called, and I warn ''HITLER THE MUSICAL'' Its a pretty complex story. It starts off, and you may want to grab a history book, in the World War 2 era.Now as we all know wwII ended in 1945, but in my play/movie it really ends in 1955, du
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