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Profile for billyboyA

Member Name: billyboyA
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Gender: Male
Profile: Theater professional... 'nuff said.

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Billy Elliot Closing
 Jan 9 2012, 06:27:16 PM
I'm a complete Broadway purist, but frankly unless you were there you can't accurately judge the experience. Even as a purist, it was a magical experience. Much like what I heard the big special show they did for A Chorus Line becoming the longest running show on Broadway was like.

It's good you weren't there Jordan - that way you didn't have to be pissed off. But for those of us who were there and wanted more of a send off than just the same show that has been playing at the Imperial,

Billy Elliot Closing
 Dec 31 2011, 10:41:36 AM
Anyone have any predictions who might play Billy on Sunday? I have tickets and am hoping it'll be Joseph, since I've never seen him do it. But I'm also thinking if I'd like to see Joseph, I may want to consider doing some pre-show walk by-s at the theatre and grabbing a last minute ticket this week to one of his shows.

I have to wonder in a sitution like this if the producers will put their best Billy on as the last Billy, knowing that the theater will be packed with fans there to say g

Front Row At Friedman?
 Dec 18 2011, 11:32:16 AM
LOVED being in the front row of that theatre. Highly recommend it! Some theatre's no, but this one would be a yes.
Sleep No More is AMAZING
 Dec 7 2011, 08:04:12 PM
Going to Sleep No More with someone who wants to spend the evening experiencing it with you is a SURE fire way to ruin it for yourself. Things happen FAR too fast and if you're trying to coordinate or stay up with your companion, you're basically screwed. The show is SO worth spending another 100 bucks on - but this time, do yourself a favor and be free to any other people so you can go where you want to go and get there fast...
Godspell - First Preview Tonight
 Oct 16 2011, 01:26:43 AM
I have to correct you... At Friday's performance, there was no revolution of the log with Jesus on it. He just hung in one direction... That is until they took him off and the log THEN began a fast revolution up into the fly space, crashing into several lights that looked as if they might come crashing down on the heads of the actors. scared the hell out of the actors who were all eyeing it warily as the carried Hunter out.
Footloose is JUST a Remake - NOT the Musical!!
 Oct 16 2011, 01:21:24 AM
I fully admit that I was too busy to do any reading about it ahead of time. I just made an assumption it was going to be the musical and I had hoped they would clean up the book and make it work. Im just bitter and disappointed because we seem to only get one movie musical a year (two if we're lucky), and I went into it expecting a musical and was just bummed that it wasn't. So yes, I'm just being bitter and venting. After suffering through Baby It's You, Wonderland and People in the Picture, I
Godspell - First Preview Tonight
 Oct 16 2011, 12:39:37 AM

We edumacate 'em good in this here country...

Footloose is JUST a Remake - NOT the Musical!!
 Oct 16 2011, 12:38:09 AM
Maybe I'm just in the dark, but I assumed that if they were making a modern version of Footloose starring Julianne Hough, that it would be this year's movie musical. Went tonight with GREAT hopes that it would be amazing... instead, it's just an unnecessary and stupid badly done remake. What a disappointment!! Not that Footloose the musical was anything stellar to begin with, but when we only get one movie musical a year, I'll take what I can get.

I'm in SUCH a bad mood now, and wish I

Godspell - First Preview Tonight
 Oct 15 2011, 06:12:08 PM
Holy Double post, Batman...
Godspell - First Preview Tonight
 Oct 15 2011, 06:11:37 PM
"Do you mean that they'll eat it up with a green condiment on top, or that they'll eat it up with great pleasure? "

You're a hot dog, but you'd better not to try to hurt her, Fra....

Oh, wait, wrong show... (but only just barely! Hahaha)

All kidding aside, I had a good time at the show on Friday night. It's not a revelatory event by any stretch, but taken at face value, it's an enjoyable experience and Hunter is beyond adorable. There's something very very likeable and

Sleep No More is AMAZING
 Sep 26 2011, 05:21:54 PM
Does anyone know which performances the really HOT actor plays MacBeth? Not the skinny goth guy with the head shaved on the sides, but the other hunky actor? He played it the night I saw it but I missed a LOT of his stuff and I'd like to see it with him again. Oh, and just so this doesn't turn into a debate about the looks of the other goth looking actor: he's a very handsome and sexy man in his own way. Definitely has sex appeal and I'm sure is also quite good in the role. I saw him there the n
John Doyle is at it again!
 Jul 26 2011, 12:55:20 PM
I have as much interest in watching musical theater actors play their own instruments as I do in watching them iron their own clothes. Unless it's specifically ABOUT a musician who plays an instrument in the script, I wish this "concept" would die a quick death and just GO AWAY!!
Unofficial but, Lauren Ambrose is rumored to be Fanny Brice.
 Jul 25 2011, 11:35:17 PM
Let's be clear here: Streisand played STREISAND when she did Funny Girl. Her Fanny was nothing like the real Fanny Brice. She played herself, sang like herself and did it in the story of another woman's life (albeit brilliantly).

My question for all of YOu is: do you want the revival to star someone to play Fanny AS Fanny? Or Fanny as Streisand?

It's like the real Maria von Trapp once told me: "I WISH I had been like Julie Andrews, but sadly I wasn't. Much more like Mary Martin

Why LND will definitely close in LONDON now
 May 31 2011, 01:43:24 AM
It cost 5.5 million to make? Sounds like mere pocket change in light of the Spider-man budget, doesn't it?!?! Haha
Theatre FAIL
 May 30 2011, 08:39:16 PM
So I'm sitting here watching the Blacklick Les Mis video expecting sets to fall, or actors to crash into each other... But it just keeps going with none of those things, but instead the most horrific sounds maybe ever to be on a stage... By the end of it, I'm laughing my ASS off... Hysterical!! I wonder if any of those kids has any idea how infamous they have become.
Why LND will definitely close in LONDON now
 May 30 2011, 04:18:44 PM
Think his curtain speech comment about needing an Austrlian immigration lawyer after the great reception to opening in Austrlia will ruffle a few feathers in the London theater community. I thought it was a poor choice of a joke. Nothing like a big public F.U. To London theater...
vendors in theatre aisles
 May 17 2011, 12:22:21 PM
Hate it. There's a certain class and sophistication that has been lost with the advent of snacks and drinks being allowed inside the theater. I swear I'm ready to kick the people that spend the show fishing out gummy bears from the little plastic bags and offering them to their friends.

Somehow I just don't believe that anywhere in the fine scripts being performed on Broadway that there is a sound cue that says: "plastic crinkling noise is heard from the audience"!! and if Stoppard, Kr

Alex Ko's final Billy Elliot Performance!!
 May 17 2011, 01:56:45 AM
You guys are the best! Thanks for the kind words. I'm sincerely touched by your kindness.
Alex Ko's final Billy Elliot Performance!!
 May 16 2011, 01:03:00 AM
Thanks Actor2!!
Alex Ko's final Billy Elliot Performance!!
 May 16 2011, 12:32:49 AM
I thank God every day that I not only have had a career working in Broadway theater and in Hollywood, doing what I love and what I dreamed of doing when I was kid, but I also thank God every day that I haven't become jaded and bitter and have never stopped realizing just how special it is what we, in the theater, do for a living... and I'm grateful that I've never stopped realizing that it's NOT just a job. Every day I walk into work and every day I leave that stage door, I realize just how bles
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