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Member Name: Avigdor
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re: OK Guys: What are the best directing grad school programs?
 Nov 18 2005, 01:51:31 PM
skip grad school. get with a professional grad school will only delay true and practical learning.
re: Raúl Esparza to Star in John Doyle-Helmed Company Revival
 Nov 14 2005, 03:05:21 PM
raul and company yeah. the concept if like sweeney ..p.u.
re: Roma Raves About Jersey Boys
 Nov 9 2005, 01:17:45 PM
having watched roma's reviews she probably only gave it a plus review cause either she knows someone in the show or is being paid to say nice things. she is inconsistent and ......
re: Margo on A Color Purple
 Nov 7 2005, 04:24:32 PM
i do understand from a source although the house did not utlized official papering services tha tickets were distributed through employees to friends etc. of course..i cannot verify that this is it could be a rumor. i am not stating this as fact
re: Margo on A Color Purple
 Nov 7 2005, 02:28:16 PM
i'm still glad actors are working and audiences are enjoying the show..but i felt it lacked strong and committed performances and to a point of cheap when it came to the elements. i.e. lighting, set etc.
felt like a fractured story trying to recover. but again.only my opinion and everyone has their own taste. i mean come on everyone iknow hated sweeney and the critics seem to love it.

'Sweeney Todd' reviews
 Nov 4 2005, 10:50:14 AM
i heard that talkinbroadway reviewer is paid to say what producers who oppose certain productions want them order to create bad press
re: The Color Purple- Next Big Hit!
 Nov 3 2005, 07:57:32 PM
I found the color purple padantic and remedial in both lyrics and score. the acting was fine enough but the evening never really seemed to move the audience. i am sure i am being overly critical and thats ok.its only my opinion and i am glad audiences are seeing it and enjoying it.
re: Edward Albee's SEASCAPE tonight
 Nov 3 2005, 10:34:52 AM
AS I bypass the wing wong comment cause i cant believe someone asked that......
The production is very very good. Solid performancs, great costumes, great set, engaging through every moment. The simplicity of the show is what makes it so great. I have to check, but there seem to have been some cuts in dialouge...felt choppy in a couple of places, but that could just be me, and i really hated the lighting. it tried to hard to be subtle and only made you wonder if anything was going on.

re: Is Naked Macbeth naked??
 Nov 2 2005, 03:04:45 PM
although years doesnt always infere better..the experience, even in the worst directors does infere some learning and some blanket of understanding. CENSORSHIP. no i did not say that or infere it..and you can stop putting words in my mouth or posting for that matter. i never said they should stop. i said i didnt think it was necessary. there will always be an audience for this type of work and freedom of speech is protected by law..and i would never ever in any way shape or form

re: Is Naked Macbeth naked??
 Nov 2 2005, 01:40:27 PM
actually no. NYdirector. i didnt see this one twice. it was clear tome that the concept and script were remedial along with the acting. i dont go to theatre to get my jollies and you should respect quantitiy because in many cases quality runs in tandem with it. i dont know who you think you are to jump up on your soap box and assume that i dont know what i am speaking of, but in comparison to someon with two shows under their belt, i think i have some idea what i am looking at...even if, by your
re: Is Naked Macbeth naked??
 Nov 2 2005, 01:09:12 PM
my least favorite part of the show was the big queen duncan. very painful to watch
re: Is Naked Macbeth naked??
 Nov 2 2005, 12:53:36 PM
nydirector. i always try to keep an open mind no matter what. i can change my mind.but this show clearly did not. further. if i go see a show and i dont like it. i will go back a second time just in case i was not a good audience member. i am very fair about my viewing habits. (i have been directing for 30 years)
re: Is Naked Macbeth naked??
 Nov 2 2005, 12:31:55 PM
hey blaxx..thanks for being so...kind...i was only stating my opinion. calling me idiotic and assuming i was born in during the flapper years is quite the stretch. but question for everyone now is..what did you think of the show. i saw it. and i am curious what others thought. best and worst performances.
re: Kismet at Encores!
 Nov 2 2005, 12:14:25 PM
who is she.
 Nov 2 2005, 12:13:39 PM
If a director/casting director takes time to email you and let you know you arent being considered and why they are trying to help. sending emails that are abusive is not appropriate.
re: Kathy Brier, new Broadway Diva?!?
 Oct 31 2005, 10:04:32 AM
ok give me their names and i will go tell them. the name diva encompasses more than just one or two broadway shows. i.e. awards, cross medium appeal and public reception
 Oct 28 2005, 05:38:20 PM
Never agree to do a show get cast then back out in an email. It is truly unprofessional
re: You know you're a deranged musical theatre fan when....
 Oct 28 2005, 05:33:32 PM
you title on post on a website entiteld
you know you're a deranged musical theatre fan when...

 Oct 27 2005, 06:48:18 PM
I have to disagree. Perfume...wear it..dont bathe in it.
two: Your audtion begins the minute you submit your headshot and resume
three: i dont want to love you. i want you to love your work and respect the process. i can dislike you and still appreciate that you work your ass off and really pull through.
and my casting issues are not on the shoulders of the actor.they are on my shoulders..if the actor is close to the role..then it is my job to teach/direct and assist them in getting

 Oct 27 2005, 03:29:13 PM
glad to hear you arent letting these places get you down.
and the answer. one actor looked at me in an audition call back (mind you i have been doing this for 22 years) and said. are you sure that you know what this character is all about. that is a quote

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