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West Coast Theater
 Oct 17 2017, 04:10:00 AM

PatrickDC said: "Ray of Light is dark which is too bad. Every production I've seen is great; I still think about their CARRIE from a few seasons back and wonder how did this awesome show flop? (Yeah, I know, the revival was heavily revamped from the original.) I can still feel the rush of wind when the gigantic gym wall backdrop crashed to the stage narrowly missing Carrie. That young actress had nerves of steel to so calmly have that fall just behind her."

Oh, h

PRINCE OF EGYPT will finally premiere!
 Oct 8 2017, 02:26:47 PM

disneybroadwayfan22 said: "Just found this and theperson said the samething here:

Oh god.

Andjust wow:

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They seriouslyhave Rameses and Moses RECONCILING at the end and Ramses goes with them?!



Again: wow.They seriously notmissed the whole of the point of the story, but they also ignored the Torah & Bible.

I'm afraid to ask:How do they do Deliver Us and the Red Sea?



Wait, where in either rundown does it say that Ramses goes with the Hebrews at the end? The only one that mentions specifics is the Tumblr review, and it says that Moses and Ramses have a conversation where they reconcile, and then Hotep leads the charge of Egyptians after the Hebrews through the Red Sea, leaving Ramses to pick up the pieces of his destroyed kingdom back in Egypt.

HUNCHBACK La Jolla Previews
 Nov 10 2014, 02:39:16 AM
For one thing, the Berlin version was massively expensive to produce. It was something of a passion project of Michael Eisner's back in the late 90s, and so there was a ton of money thrown at it. It did very well in Germany, but it was decided by the powers that be that American audiences (at that point in time) would not take to it, so in Germany it stayed. The current production is definitely an attempt at making the show a little easier on Disney's wallet, and therefore more likely to turn a
HUNCHBACK La Jolla Previews
 Nov 9 2014, 10:48:40 PM
Bear in mind that any audio recordings that have been released were most likely made with a phone, and therefore perhaps not the best way of judging how the music sounds when in the actual theatre. Having seen the show myself, and also listened to what's been released thus far, I can tell you conclusively that the bootlegs do not do the music justice. The orchestra and choir both sound far richer and fuller live; definitely on par with Berlin.
HUNCHBACK La Jolla Previews
 Nov 5 2014, 02:29:57 PM
The "hunching over" done at the end of the show is indeed a thing that needs to be seen in context. I found it really quite beautiful. And to say they all "hunch over" is actually an oversimplification of what happens. At the end of the opening number, Michael Arden strides out as a normal man (though in costume already), and as he sings the words "what makes a monster and what makes a man?" he pulls his hand across his face, leaving streaks of brown paint. He then adjusts his physicality as a f
HUNCHBACK La Jolla Previews
 Oct 29 2014, 05:21:50 PM
Whoops! Try this:
HUNCHBACK La Jolla Previews
 Oct 29 2014, 03:28:17 PM
If anyone's interested, I just posted a big ol' blog entry over at Wordpress detailing all the things I felt worked and didn't work at the first preview Sunday night:

My overall feeling? It's a beautiful production, and has the potential to be a near-perfect piece of theatre with various tweaks between now and Paper Mill (and, I assume, eventually Broadway).

HUNCHBACK La Jolla Previews
 Oct 29 2014, 08:03:49 AM
The lyric is "the wicked shall not go unpunish-ed," and it was in the show waaaaaay back in the 1999 German production, which majorly pre-dates "Wicked". It's pretty integral to the pay-off at the end, so it's probably not going anywhere.
re: Eponine understudy?
 Feb 21 2007, 04:17:10 PM
No, she didn't. At least not at the evening show.
re: Les Miserables 2/17/07 - Drew Sarich as Enjolras
 Feb 19 2007, 06:29:22 PM
I was at the evening performance that day, and was thrilled to discover the little program insert declaring that Drew would be covering the part. I've been a huge fan of his for some time now.

That said, I don't know that he was quite right for Enjolras. From clips I've seen and reviews I've read, it seems that Aaron Lazar has a broad, operatic voice and a conventional heroic quality that is perfectly suited to the role of the young revolutionary. Drew is...well, Drew is completely un

re: Sieber Returns to Broadway's Spamalot
 Feb 13 2007, 05:53:02 PM
Does anyone know if he's started his run already? I'm seeing the show this Thursday night; I'd be thrilled if he was performing!
re: Drowsy Chaperone
 Feb 13 2007, 05:45:41 PM
Dang! Are you certain she's out this week? I was under the impression that she was out in order to attend the "Legally Blonde" opening. That was last Tuesday night, so I would think she'd be back in it by now, probably starting with this evening's performance.

Unless, of course, she finagled two weeks off so that she could spend Valentine's Day in SF with her husband.

re: Should Broadway Have a Ratings System
 Dec 27 2006, 12:55:48 PM
Lizzya9, by your logic, no one should ever do anything for children – not take them to museums, not show them movies, not read them books, not sing them songs – because they won't be able to fully appreciate the nuances of each art form. Do you remember all the details of the first movie you ever saw? Did you grasp any underlying subtext? Did you pause to marvel at the skill of the actors? I doubt it. So, following your train of thought, what was the point of you seeing that movie in the fi
re: Bundy Confirmed for Legally Blonde
 Oct 6 2006, 02:43:22 PM
Best of Broadway had a group sales event for the show in San Francisco last night, and Jerry Mitchell and Laurence O'Keefe and Laura Bell Bundy were all there. They sang a few numbers from the show, discussed the material, and gave the audience peeks at the set and costume designs. All in all, it seems like it's going to be very fluffy, but fun nonetheless. For anyone interested, I did a rundown of the event over at my LiveJournal:

re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
 Mar 28 2006, 03:14:44 AM
Allow me to take this moment to briefly emerge out of lurkage and express my sheer elation at the fact that this thread has completely metamorphosed into a Drew Sarich lovefest.


Worst. Lyrics. EVER.
 Mar 16 2005, 06:39:29 PM
"Which way's the party?/Which way's the next keg of Winkie beer?"

On a cool San Francisco night, that little lyric managed to single-handedly crush all hopes I had for Wicked making a successful book-to-musical transition. On the upside, they had the presence of mind to cut the offending song before it got to Broadway. On the downside...we got "Dancing Through Life" in its place.

"To kill outside St. Paul's/requires a lot of balls"


Damn you, Leslie Bricu

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