re: Into the Woods representing AIDS Jan 17
2009, 11:33:36 AM
I remember reading (probably from an uncredible source) that not only did the original serve as a metaphor for the aftershocks of AIDS, but the revival in 2002 was metaphorical for the fight against terrorism/twin towers falling, etc. Isn't that the fundamental nature of art? Onlookers find things the artist never intended, yet the piece still spoke to them. NobodyHome & PhyllisR - very powerful lines to bring up.
German WICKED medley clip Dec 18
2008, 06:17:15 PM
Includes the following (abbreviated) numbers (all in German, of course): - "One Short Day" - "As Long as You're Mine" - "March of the Witch Hunters" - "Defying Gravity" (flying portion)
re: Shrek the Musical (New Production Photos) Dec 8
2008, 07:42:37 PM
Bustopher, I agree about the donkey costume. It's off. So, Brian gets three new latex pieces every show? I'm sure that's standard use, but it just seems like a lot. Thanks for posting.
Silly SHREK Costuming Question... Nov 22
2008, 12:12:32 AM
How does Brian hear in that costume? It seems like the head piece completely covers his ears. Furthermore, the position of "Shrek's" ears do not align with the position of where Brian's presumably are. What gives?
re: Seth's deconstruction of Julia Murney... Oct 18
2008, 10:17:55 AM
Nice, thanks. Seth talks so rapidly that it makes me feel uncomfortable for him...and I don't know why...
re: Shoshana Bean's new single 'Superhero' Oct 7
2008, 10:34:52 PM
I like it. Doesn't Christina Aguilera have a similar superhero-related song out? I know her VMA performance was superhero oriented.
re: Haven Burton with Gingy and Bryain D'arcy James walk around Seattle Sep 7
2008, 03:40:38 PM
They mean SHREK: THE MUSICAL hits the city of Seattle, not Shrek the character.
Loved the show! Aug 24
2008, 10:04:07 PM
I agree about the dialogue. The spoken word can be every bit as riveting as song.
re: Natalie Wood sings 'Tonight' on Youtube Aug 19
2008, 10:12:37 PM
I didn't know she sang so well. Thank you for finding, arranging, and posting this.
re: Melbourne Galinda shows costumes Jul 22
2008, 10:42:37 PM
Great clip; thanks. Here's Part I to this Part II:
re: Little Mermaid Costume Jul 19
2008, 11:11:17 PM
philly, brilliant pics. Thank you for those. Husk, et al, thanks for filling in the story.
re: Little Mermaid Costume Jul 19
2008, 09:48:22 PM
They made a mistake in relying too heavily on some artist's painting (can't recall the name now, but there's another thread about the painting) that inspired Hans Christian Anderson, or something like that. They tried to be "different", not understanding that fans like Ariel & the Disney version, not the original tale. Hell, in that one, I think the mermaid turns into seam foam in the end, right?? It was not popular until the Disney film. They should've stuck to that film. I agree, they did
re: Alec Baldwin - MACBETH - Slip-up? Jun 16
2008, 10:16:26 PM
I'm confused. I've already seen that thread. I'm wondering if anyone thinks he was briefed on the superstition/knew about it and chose to ignore, or if he intended to say "The Scottish Play" like Mary-Louise Parker did but slipped up and said "Macbeth" instead. Also, I didn't see any shocked audience members, but I certainly was.
Alec Baldwin - MACBETH - Slip-up? Jun 16
2008, 10:03:24 PM
I don't care; I'm starting a new thread for this. Anyone surprised that he actually said "Macbeth" in the Tony broadcast? I was thinking he would say "The Scottish Play," since Mary-Louise Parker did so very shortly before he presented. Wonder if it was a slip-up or a snub to superstition. Anyone think anything will...happen? Just curious. Had to post. No morbidity intended.
re: Quetion about Legally BLonde MTV show May 27
2008, 04:50:41 PM
I'm not sure, but I feel the same way. PS - Fix that title before they get you.
WICKED Australia info. clip May 23
2008, 08:54:14 AM
Here's a clip of WICKED in Australia getting on its feet:
re: Actor injured this afternoon in Little Mermaid May 14
2008, 07:40:03 PM
Ok, at this point, I would like sources for these measurements and statistics. Not "about"; not "looks like." What exactly is the ratio of Broadway accidents to film accidents/stunt mishaps (cite a source, please)? Presenting opinions as fact doesn't make them fact, no matter how many posts you have under your belt. Lying is the intent to deceive. So everyone lies, everyday. Why the shock? Whether verbally or by omission, lying is lying. Plain and simple. I'm not intending s
re: Actor injured this afternoon in Little Mermaid May 11
2008, 05:00:44 PM
No one who'll post actually knows what happened. Doubtful anyone outside of the show will. However, not to be insensitive, but why is the assumption that the actor was not at fault? The conclusion is inferred that it's a manager's or supervisor's fault, but is it not possible that he did something wrong? Not saying that's the case, but I think it could be a possibility. All humans make mistakes, actors included, not just managers or supervisors. It's common sense that Broadway is
re: Derrick Williams STILL in wicked??? May 3
2008, 01:18:03 PM
Eug, want to know what's even worse than you doing all of that?? Me actually REMEMBERING you doing all of that! If they are talented and dynamic, changing nuances, phrasings, and notes (eg, SJB) then stay. If they are static and flat, take a hike. Any way you look at it, as stated earlier, Fiyero is a bland role. I even found Norbert a little awkward in it. I'm not remembering Fiyero being black in the novel, but he did have sapphire-colored diamond shapes on hi
re: Phylicia Rashad as the Witch in INTO THE WOODS?? May 3
2008, 12:55:51 PM
Very interesting article, husk. I had never heard that some thought the Baker and his wife were Hansel and Gretal's parents, of course pre-stepmother and with their son being Hansel, but it's quite a new take for me on these two. I've enjoyed this show since I was six, and that idea never even occurred to me. Having thought about it, though, it does make sense. Thanks for posting.