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Member Name: DrSarcasmoMD
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re: Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love
 Oct 26 2006, 05:27:17 AM
The moment in "I'm Still Hurting" from L5Y when the piano gives way to the strings. Gets me every time.
re: fun cast traditions...
 Oct 12 2005, 03:23:14 AM
I was in a production of All's Well that Ends Well at my high school, and before every show, us guys would have a techno dance party in our dressing room to the music of the vengaboys.

Wow, this is a cool thread, brought back some good memories.

Without You a whole step lower?
 Sep 20 2005, 02:40:46 AM
Did anyone else notice that Without You is a whole step lower than the version from the OBC? I'm guessing this is to better fit Rosario's voice? What do you guys think?
re: Rent Movie Trailer Ideas
 Apr 25 2005, 07:26:43 PM
bjivie2- That's pretty much what I had in mind. Just the thought of hearing that opening piano part of Seasons of Love gets me excited. Diddo on the Act 2 Finale montage at the end, that would be awesome.
Rent Movie Trailer Ideas
 Apr 25 2005, 07:14:50 PM
Since the RENT movie trailer is set to come out in maybe a month or so, what do you think would make a cool trailer? What do you want to see in it?
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