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re: re: re: It's the end of the world as we know it -- Wonka Remake -- Guess who?
 Jul 10 2003, 09:46:02 AM
>I don't know why they want to mess with a classic. I still love >watching Willy Wonka the way it is now, I will never get tired >of that movie. I think it would actually make a great Broadway >Show (I love the song he sings when they first enter the >chocolate room). And you really can't get anyone better than >Gene Wilder to play Wonka!

Well, remaking the film isn't going to make the first one go away.

re: re: re: re: re: re: It's the end of the world as we know it -- Wonka Remake -- Guess who?
 Jul 10 2003, 09:44:38 AM
Dollypop; you might be being serious since you claim to not have seen a movie since "Dolly."

Michael Keaton's a comedic actor who surprised everyone when he played Batman in "Batman" and "Batman Returns" (Didn't surprise me, I'd seen him in "The Squeeze" and knew he could do action.)

Marilyn Manson... hmmm. Imagine an underweight nasty growling singer who takes makeup tips from The Phantom of the Opera and you just might be in the ballpark!

re: re: re: Auditioning -- Is it fair?
 Jul 10 2003, 09:41:04 AM
I know they wanted Christopher Lloyd for Uncle Fester in "The Addams Family," but the producers didn't think he could pull it off so he had to screen-test.

I would think if Christopher Lloyd agreed to be in your movie, you'd just fall on your knees and thank God! I've seen some stinkers where he was the only thing watchable. (Anyone remember "Legend of the Lone Ranger"?) But I've never seen him give a crappy performance.

re: re: re: re: re: re: Just Watched 'Mame' w/ Lucy
 Jul 10 2003, 09:35:15 AM
>Why did the costume dep't make Bea look like a linebacker for >the NY Jets in that film?

Not to put Bea Arthur down... but I thought she always looked like that!

re: re: re: re: Just Watched 'Mame' w/ Lucy
 Jul 7 2003, 08:08:55 AM
>I know I probably shouldn't have bought it, but none of the >local video stores had it and I wanted to see it just for Bea >Arthur's performance. Oh well..

Sell it on e-bay... you probably won't get your entire $15 back, but you might get [some] of it. (And who knows... maybe there's a Lucy fan out there willing to pay semi-big bucks for this movie!)

re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Brooks Sees 'Young Frankenstein' as a Monster Hit on Broadway - Chicago Sun-Times
 Jul 2 2003, 10:38:41 AM
>Considering how much I adore The Producers, I really should put >more faith into Mel Brooks. I just hope he doesn't become cocky >and think that anything he makes will turn into gold.

Yes, let's all remember "Dracula-Dead and Loving It"

re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Brooks Sees 'Young Frankenstein' as a Monster Hit on Broadway - Chicago Sun-Times
 Jul 2 2003, 10:31:45 AM
>Oh My Gosh, I cannot wait for "Young Frankenstein to open!!! I >think that Max Von Essen should play Frederick Frankenstein, it >just seems like he would work for that part!!! Anyways, I think >that Alyssa Claar would be awesome in Terry Garr's part, and I >think the idea of Nathan Lane as Igor would be HILARIOUS!!!

What? You wouldn't think of Mandy for the Teri Garr role?
(Maybe Michael would do Inspector Kemp!)

re: re: re:MAME on TV
 Jul 2 2003, 10:23:28 AM
>Could it be Babs ? I cannot imagine her taking a step down ( in >her mind) to appear on television.

>If this is so, maybe Brolin could get a job as Horace >Vandergelder? It's better than doing commercials on TV although >he appears not to be able to get work in doing these either.

Why would Horace Vandergelder be in MAME? Is he cheating on Dolly?

re: re: MAME revival
 Jul 2 2003, 10:21:14 AM
>I would really like to see Mame make it to Broadway again. I've >only seen the movie version w/ Lucille Ball, which was mediocre >at best due to her performance. And let me just say, I do love >Lucy (no pun intended,) but the role of Mame did not suit her >or her voice...

There were so many things wrong with that sad movie you can't just lay the blame on Lucy's performance. I have to wonder if there's a point while you're making a film that you realize you're in the dog of all time, or d

re: re: re: re: re: Frankenstein The Musical
 Jul 2 2003, 10:19:06 AM
>It was hydrogen, Dollypop.

I know this is geeky, but they actually had a guy who proved it wasn't the hydrogen that destroyed the Hindenburg. One, hydrogen burns blue and the fire was a red fireball. Two, hydrogen burns "up" so to speak, so it would have escaped out the top of the dirigable. He proved that some of the panels weren't properly grounded and the "dope" used to stregthen the fabric was in fact known to be highly flammable (the owners of the Hindenburg planned to replace the

re: re: re: re: Shows with Famous Artist's Songs
 Jul 1 2003, 10:27:19 AM
>Dance of the Vampires had "Total Eclipse of the Heart" which >was originally prformed by Binnie Tyler.

It also had "Original Sin" which was done by Meatloaf and shows up in the soundtrack for "The Shadow" (ugh, talk about wasting a character!)

re: Shows with Famous Artist's Songs
 Jul 1 2003, 10:26:05 AM

Just kidding! (I think.)

re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Dance Of The Vampires................
 Jun 30 2003, 10:39:15 AM
>I agree, if you have seen the original Vienna or Stuttgart >version, you would realize how amazing it is in it's original >form!!!! Why did those morons change it so much, sheeeeesh!!!

Probably because they felt that any show with "Total Eclipse of the Heart" as a set piece is not going to be taken seriously as a dark, brooding piece.

re: re: re: re: re: re: Dance Of The Vampires................
 Jun 30 2003, 10:37:29 AM
Is it still there? Don't split hairs!
re: re: re: re: Dance Of The Vampires................
 Jun 29 2003, 03:15:09 PM
>omg! Dance of the Vampires was the best! I thought it was >good. Critcs were to harsh on it! The music and acting was >great!!

I wouldn't go that far. It was a fun romp. In a season that saw "Frog and Toad," "Mamma Mia" and "Urban Cowboy" it certainly should have stuck around longer. Also I think the two romantic leads should have been nominated as well as Rene Abujois (sp) for his vampire hunter. I think the set design should have been recognized and the song "Sarah" should have been n

re: re: HELLO DOLLY soon on DVD
 Jun 29 2003, 03:12:00 PM
dollypop said:

>I DID see one movie in the past 35 years. I was flying home >from Istanbul and the movie was THE BIRD CAGE. It was >difficult for me to hear the dialogue over the roar of jet >engines, but I thought it was a decent film and one Mr. Nathan >Lane was quite good in it. However, WHY would anyone make a >movie of LA CAGE AUX FOLLES without using that glorious Jerry >Herman score? There's no justice in this world!

Forgive my ignorance here, but I have to assume by "Jerry

re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: So who is going to be Audrey II?
 Jun 29 2003, 03:03:02 PM
I did a production of "The Man Who Came To Dinner" where the set design was so bad the director put in the program; Set Design - Tacky Productions Inc.

Tacky Productions Inc. seemed to follow me throughout most of my theatrical career since...

re: re: So who is going to be Audrey II?
 Jun 29 2003, 03:00:23 PM
I think I read once that a local theatre group couldn't find a male voice they liked so they ended up casting a woman. They seemed to think it went over well.
re: What was your first and last show?
 Jun 26 2003, 09:47:06 AM
I know the first show I saw in New York was Godspell. I don't know if that qualifies as a "Broadway" show 'cause it was w a y uptown at the time. ('75)

Last show is tougher to remember... I think the Marilyn Monroe musical, just before it closed. (I've seen a lot of stuff, just before it closed... maybe I'm a jinx? Nah, stuff's managed to close without me being around!)

re: re: Tony Awards
 Jun 26 2003, 09:44:17 AM
>There is a Tony Awards Comittee that votes.

...and decided to return their tickets to "Dance of the Vampires" - some of you may not have liked the production, the star or the very premise, but it was very unprofessional of the committee not to at least give it a chance!

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