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Member Name: DefyingGravity4
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re: Next Show You Def Are Seeing
 Jan 26 2006, 07:39:44 PM
i'm seeing The Boyfriend this Sunday (in Toronto)
then the next one will probably not be until Lord of the Rings in April.

re: quick remedy for laryngitis
 Jan 11 2006, 09:42:15 PM
avoid anything citrusy (like orange juice)!
the acid will only aggravate your vocal chords more. drink TONS of fluids, wear a scarf to keep your muscles warm, and rest as much as possible.

re: First Cast Recording
 Aug 8 2005, 09:49:43 AM
My first OCR was Sound Of Music, when i was 11, and i still love it today!
re: RENT Movie Premier?
 Jul 26 2005, 01:01:24 PM
I think the movie will do well because a lot of (non theatre) people have heard of it and know that it's a different kind of story and that it's edgier, so they will pay $10 to go to see it in theatre instead of 80 to see it on Broadway. I know of at least 10 people that have seen the preview in theatres and say that it looks really good. A lot of them recognized "Seasons Of Love" too and want to hear more! Soooo YES the movie will be a success!
re: Will somebody hurry the frik up and revive Evita already?
 Apr 15 2005, 02:33:30 PM
Evita is being done in Toronto April 27-May 29 2005!!

re: Jenna Leigh Green as Elphaba!!
 Apr 15 2005, 10:25:28 AM
I saw Jenna as Elphaba a few days ago, and she was AMAZING!!!
she had an amazing energy onstage, and you could tell she was having fun playing the part. her defying gravity was beautiful, as was no good deed. her and glinda (kendra kassebaum)were amzing together, their voices blended perfectly!
in my opinion, jenna's talent is being wasted on Nessarose, she deserves to play elphaba!
she's so cute green, and we met her at the stage door after the show and talked to her for a few mi

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