No Michelle Williams Jul 6
2014, 05:39:12 PM
Andrea was on all weekend. It was definitely scheduled ahead of time, but strangely unannounced by roundabout.
The Great Comet: Cheapest Ticket? Oct 10
2013, 02:14:41 PM
I didn't get vodka my first time. I think that's only free with the premium tickets.
The Great Comet: Cheapest Ticket? Oct 10
2013, 10:25:11 AM
I was there last night as well. I loved it but had a lot of trouble understanding the woman who played Sonya as well as Lucas Steele, as RippedMan said. The serve food to everyone but they serve significantly less than they did downtown. Just borscht, a peroggi, rolls and some crudités. Downtown they had salad, frittata, lox, and cookies as well.
Why Do A Lot Of New Shows Have Monday Performances Only During Previews? Sep 30
2013, 03:14:28 PM
It gives you more time to rehearse and make changes. If a show has a Sunday matinee, they have available rehearsal time on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday afternoon. If a show is dark Sunday, they can rehearse on Monday afternoon as well.
Broderick pulls a Lupone? Feb 20
2013, 11:11:11 PM
He did the same thing to someone filming when I saw The Producers during the beginning of the run years ago.
Hamlisch Tribute on Live from Lincoln Center Tonite (12/31) Jan 1
2013, 01:21:07 PM
Beth Bohrs did Dance 10, Looks 3 and the finale and it was quite odd. They wouldn't let her say Tits, so the whole number became this hammy mess where she had to come up with things to replace the word... mits, bits, spits. It was horrible. And she wasn't terrible, but she wasn't very good either.
Steve Kazee -- In or out? Dec 31
2012, 04:07:20 PM
Actually Guy has a standby and and understudy. They bumped Ben Hope up over the summer around the time they added Joe Carroll as a swing.
Weekday ONCE Rush - what time do you have to get there in the morning? May 12
2012, 11:25:29 PM
A friend got there at 7am yesterday (Friday) and was about 5 people too far back. Crazy...
I want your opinion on NYC theater Dec 4
2011, 12:15:51 AM
The survey was good, but I think you should have just grouped the Nederlanders, Shuberts, and Jujamcyn as "commercial theatre." Unlike all of the non profit companies, these people (usually) just own the theatres but they do not produce shows or pick a season to go into their houses. (Not to mention the times that the non profits, especially Lincoln Center, rent a commercial house because they have a long running show in their Broadway house but need to continue their season. Since Broadway t
Just watched the documentary 'Show Business: The Road to Broadway' Aug 3
2011, 01:10:30 AM
The Boy From Oz wouldn't give the documentary crew access. That's why they weren't given camera time.
Baby it's you Rush tickets Jul 11
2011, 02:15:48 PM
I haven't seen Catch Me, but don't waste your money on Priscilla. I'd see Baby It's You another five times over seeing Priscilla one more time.
How was HAIR tonight?? Jul 7
2011, 12:27:36 AM
I was at the matinee today and the tribe was great. The leads were a little bit of a different story. Darius Nichols was perfection as Hud, and Steel Burkhard was terrific as Berger (I think I liked him more than Will Swenson because he wasn't trying so hard to be zany). That's where the praise ends. Kasey Sheik was ok as Jeanie (but I didn't like her at all when I saw her with the original cast, so this is high praise from me.) On the other hand, I was embarrassed for Caren Lyn Tac
What was wrong with HIGH FIDELITY? Jun 30
2011, 11:14:06 PM
The show was better in Boston. (Yes, I saw it there, both versions 1.0 and 2.0, and in NY). They changed the show for the better in Boston, and then undid much of the good work they did just in time for Broadway. It was never a master piece, but with better marketing, a smaller theatre (the funny part is that the Colonial in Boston is huge too, but it didn't feel as uncomfortably large), and without the changes that hurt the show in NY, I think that it could have had a longer life tha
A Note of Praise to Swings May 30
2011, 01:44:29 PM
Swings (at least under the production contract) get a pay bump of 1/8 of the weekly salary (I'm not sure if it's their salary or the salary of the person they cover) every time they go on, so if a swing goes on for all eight shows, they would double their salary for the week.
2011, 10:45:45 AM
The nominators got that one all wrong. The one who deserved a nomination for How to Succeed was definitely Radcliffe, and the one from Priscilla was (even I couldn't believe I felt this after seeing it) was Nick Adams.
Best Actress in a Musical to have 4 nominees May 2
2011, 12:38:25 PM
Ditto americanboy99 It's tough because 4/6 of the ladies are critics' and Tony voters' favorites. If you made me pick the 4 right now, I say Murphy, Foster, Leavel, and Miller. (Although I haven't seen Wonderland... I love Dacal but based on what I hear of the show and the other options, I say she's out, I hope I'm wrong though.) Sherrie, while wonderful did an underwhelming job in a terrible musical.
Why the Spider-Man Critics are Wrong Feb 16
2011, 05:04:10 PM
The problem with saying that a show has to be frozen to be reviewed limits the creative team more than it limits the reviewers. What about the case of Next to Normal at Second Stage, they were rehearsing every day throughout the run and making changes. Does that invalidate the reviews that were given? Dreamgirls and Les Miserables are two other shows that had drastic changes made after opening. There are many shows that are effectively frozen at the time that previews start,
SPIDER-MAN Team Says 'Critics Should Not Review Until Invited' Jan 14
2011, 08:09:27 PM
If the adds hadn't been quoting "reviews," I would be a little more opposed to this.
Priscilla cuts a few Canadians before hitting Broadway Jan 3
2011, 05:14:52 PM
Interesting idea for an article, but I don't think that the author's complaint is merited. The production is an out of town try out, with the intention of transferring (at least mostly) in one piece to New York in a timely manner. The Toronto production of Rock of Ages is a different animal since it is a sitdown with plans to play Toronto and only Toronto. The other thing that the author neglects to mention is that (I would presume) all of the stage hands and most, if not all, of th
Flyering? Jan 3
2011, 04:57:43 PM
You have to apply for the job. It's a paying job and I doubt they would hire you for just a couple of days.