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Profile for TheKeel

Member Name: TheKeel
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re: Snarkiest Tony Award acceptance speech?
 May 1 2019, 12:46:50 PM
The Broadway documentary series that PBS did in 2004 perpetrates the myth about the Jerry Herman speech being a slam against Sondheim. They placed it immediately after they showed the finale for Sunday in the Park, and then showed Sondheim's face immediately before the speech. They might as well have posted a banner saying JERRY HATES STEVE. It was absolutely inferred, unfortunately. (Julie Andrews' delivery didn't help, either.)
Trying to identify 1983 musical & song
 Feb 12 2019, 11:46:39 AM
The lyric about the crumbs clinched it for me - I remember those. Thanks everyone!!
Trying to identify 1983 musical & song
 Feb 12 2019, 09:15:31 AM
Wow, yes! I think that was it! Thank you!! (Leave it to Sirius to play a 2011 musical during a 1983 segment.)
Trying to identify 1983 musical & song
 Feb 12 2019, 08:50:48 AM
On Sirius a few months ago I heard a beautiful song sung by a man who was searching through a room or a house and found a note in a pocket suggesting someone's adultery. He also kept finding other trivial items including a key. The last words of the song were "a clue." I couldn't write any other lyrics down because I was on a freeway, but he seemed to be singing about losing a relationship. That's about all I remember other than I loved the song. The Sirius host - of course - didn't identify the
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