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Profile for Little Songbird

Member Name: Little Songbird
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Girl from the North Country Rush
 Feb 15 2020, 11:33:45 AM
Hey everyone! I am going to rush one day this week so any info on the best time to get there, line length, and seating would be great. I will also update with my experience :)
Way Too Early 2020 Tony Predictions thread
 Dec 3 2019, 08:24:03 PM

Why is JLP getting no love on this thread? I have seen Moulin Rouge! and JLP so far this season and I found JLP to be wildly thought provoking and emotional. I think JLP is a contender for best actress (Elizabeth Stanley, although Celia Gooding is also amazing), best book (Diablo Cody), and best supporting actress (Lauren Patten with You Outta Know has been getting standing Os every night), will get a choreo nomination (though MR will prob take it), and may even get best musical dependin

Beetlejuice Rush
 Aug 6 2019, 04:05:34 PM

I rushed this past Saturday for the matinee. I got there at around 7:15am and I was the third person there. The group in front of me got there minutes beforehand and were rushing for the evening performance. By the time it was 10am the long reached the end of the block. My tickets were full view (a bit off to the right side) and in the ninth row orchestra. It was truly an incredible show. Entire cast was so incredible and now the score is one of my favorites!!! GL everyone.&nbs

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