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Member Name: topherkraz78
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 May 2 2011, 02:59:44 PM
First of all I am a female. My name is described as being a loyal fan of Topher Grace, a tv star, an actor I worked with in 2000. Secondly, if I didn't care about the play in general or its content and meaning, why would I go and buy the book? Why would I bother if I didn't want or care about the play? Yes, what attracted me to the play was indeed JP but I want to see it because of its brilliance. Now maybe I brought forth too much Jim love but I was not the one that dropped his name recentl
 May 2 2011, 08:23:57 AM
I'd like to know how I was disrespectful and how you have not been since I simply asked a question at the start about a certain actor and how I asked about certain things of what to expect if I made a trip to see this. I got hassled by Jordan, who thinks he owns the damn thing. I got hasseled by Emcee because I didn't explain my purchase exactly right. How in the world do you call youself respectful and not a 'bitch' when you are the one with the insults and have no respect or understanding?
 May 1 2011, 09:31:30 PM
Oh good lord. How do I explain this? Hmm, Ebay, went there and found the 1990 version of The Normal Heart and Destiny of Me in one book. K, yeah, so I bought it, having viewed it on amazon so when I said essentially the play I meant from what I was able to view I saw that it was some of the play. I guess its good to know its the whole play. Whatever. Some of you folks cant take in newbies with respect and understanding. That is so sad.

'The Normal Heart'- (5/1) --
 May 1 2011, 09:23:14 PM
Jordan, what is your problem? Hate the guy? What? I mean you are the one dropping his name not me or Pomita or whomever, get over yourself or whatever problem you have and stop trying to antagonize us because we actually like a certain actor.

Now, I too am trying to work something out to go see this and only this. I am looking maybe at July 2nd.

Final Tony nomination predictions - post them here!
 May 1 2011, 08:16:02 AM
get off my back, jackass! i cant show some appreciation for his name being mentioned?
 May 1 2011, 08:14:00 AM
no his original book that is essentually his play of both tnh and destiny of me. i know its not the play of today but at least i will have a feel for it.
Final Tony nomination predictions - post them here!
 May 1 2011, 08:05:58 AM
I am surpised at a few name droppings in the feature actor in a play! More like excited. :)
 Apr 30 2011, 10:48:33 PM
Im kinda surprised that we are not hearing much about this show from fans lately. BTW I purchased the original playwright for this so now I will get an idea about the play since its doubtful for me to make it to NY.

 Apr 28 2011, 03:36:49 AM
Someone upthread asked if this production could be extended. Probably but it would not have a lot of the same actors if it did.

Maybe this is a stupid question or statement but is there any chance that Kramer will ever bring this piece of artwork to Los Angeles? There would be so much interest over here.

 Apr 27 2011, 08:17:45 PM
orange you and I are both guilty by pointing that out as well. We can't win now!
 Apr 27 2011, 07:51:13 PM
Tsk! Pomita, a big no no in theater productions to wish them 'goodluck' you wish them to 'break a leg' :)
 Apr 27 2011, 07:20:34 PM
a huge 'break a leg" to the amazing cast, crew, and staff of The Normal Heart. Have an amazing Opening Night!

Opening Night for - THE NORMAL HEART!
 Apr 27 2011, 05:57:36 PM
Ok, goes going and tell us all about it afterwwards!


The Normal Heart 1st Preview
 Apr 26 2011, 12:09:56 PM
Yeah, thanks for your answer Jordan and closed minded attitude. Sorry I am not a 'Broadway Legend' like you! Too bad you are not open to allow newbies in your little world. *shakes head*
The Normal Heart 1st Preview
 Apr 26 2011, 11:12:24 AM
How do you figure that? I was asking a simple security question. What the hell is wrong with that? I would like to attend one of this plays someday but yes as I've stated before I have not been to Broadway.
The Normal Heart 1st Preview
 Apr 26 2011, 11:00:07 AM
Yup! Not a ton just a couple of scenes. But still there some sneaky evil people around. And I know Broadway is much tougher on their security then most tv studios. Do you go thru at least one metal detector?
The Normal Heart 1st Preview
 Apr 26 2011, 10:55:00 AM
However there was illegal footage of Spamalot when Clay Aiken was on. Them Claymates are evil!
The Normal Heart 1st Preview
 Apr 26 2011, 10:38:41 AM
Ive heard broadway shows never film for public view. I remember when Spamalot was running there was never any footage before they shut down. Dont they prohibit cameras and phones?
The Normal Heart 1st Preview
 Apr 26 2011, 12:21:16 AM
The more I hear about this. The more I want to find a flight out there to see it. Sadly the expenses will be what wont allow that.
The Normal Heart 1st Preview
 Apr 25 2011, 07:12:45 PM
Damn, you're good Pomita! :) Ok, so there is a show tonight hopefully we'll hear some good stuff tonight as well about THE SHOW. :)
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